Chapter 3

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 You continued to walk, your village now miles behind you. You didn't care about that though, somehow you would reach a nearby kingdom and start a new life there. All you had to do was follow this dirt path until you got there. A goal harder to reach than you originally thought. The dark skies above you made it hard for you to stay on the path. There were multiple times when you almost lost the path due to how dark it was. It took time for you to finally relocate it and get back on track.

Despite this, the stars shining above you was a calming sight. They showed you that there was so much out there in the world, you had more opportunities out there than you thought. You just had to work harder to reach them. People have always said that you work hard for the things worth having and that's exactly what you're doing right now.

As you continued walking the dirt road you heard a low growl different than the one you heard near the lake. No, this one was much more familiar, much more hostile.

Your eyes widened as you turned around to see the golden eyes of a hungry wolf searching for its prey. Wolves were very dangerous, it was rare for someone to escape a chase with the wolf alive without the proper weapons. Without a second thought you began to run. You didn't know if that was the right move to make or not, but all you knew was that you needed to escape this forest alive.

You feet began moving faster than you thought you could, probably had to do with the fact that your whole life was on the line at the moment. If you didn't move fast enough you wouldn't have a life to worry about!

You continued to run and the wolf was beginning to get closer to you. As a last minute ditch effort, you ran towards a tree and began climbing it. This was something that you did often enough that you could do it as easily as breathing. Everything was way too close for comfort though for if you hadn't moved faster, the wolf would've gotten its jaws around you ankle.

You jerked your leg up with you, just barely dodging the wolf's attack. You probably should've guessed something like this would've happened. You were leaving home into an unknown forest, something bad was basically guaranteed to to happen. Because of that choice you were now stuck up a tree wondering how you would get away from the wolf trying to eat you from down below.

You scanned your surroundings as you tried to catch your breath and noticed that the trees were close enough to jump from one to the other. You would definitely have to be careful about this though. It was nighttime and if you weren't careful about your movements, your life was done for. You focused on the nearby tree branch before jumping towards it, something you barely caught in time.

The wolf below you was quick to move to your new tree, it's eyes still glued to your moving form. You looked below you and noticed that you were hanging above a rushing stream. The hight you would have to jump to reach the water surface was great. The fact that you had a slight fear of heights definitely did not help that. Just everything that happened already was enough to make your heart race. The fact that you were too many feet of the ground for comfort not really helping.

You could possibly try jumping to the next tree, but your chance of success wasn't guaranteed. Your second choice was jumping down into the river. The only problems with that choice was one, you didn't know how deep it was and two, you didn't know where it would lead you.

The growling from below you only made you even more anxious. You had to make a choice and quick. You had no idea how much longer the branch would support your weight and you had no such plans on finding out.

After sucking in a lot of air and ignoring your fear, you slipped off the branch and plummeted towards the rushing waters below. The wolf definitely wouldn't follow you down there. Now all you had to worry about was what you would be doing next.

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