《Prologue; Next Year》

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Bmmm.... Bmmm.... Bmmm....

"Gah... shut up!" I yelled at my phone as I sat up from my bed. It was buzzing and ringing the chorus of 'PEACE SIGN' over and over again.

I liked all the '僕のヒーローアカデミア' openings, but I had to choose one so, I picked Opening 2, ピースサイン.

I turned my head to look at the time. It was 7:00 AM.

"Well 's not like I've got school today..." I muttered to myself, plopping back down into my bed. A moments passed until I realized something...

"SHIT! It's the first day of school today!" I swore as I hurried out of bed. I checked the clock on my way out.

8:16 AM.

My eyes widened. School. Starts. At 8:45.

I hurried into the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my hair, and... lost focus...

'Wonder what the first day of school will be like...' I thought to myself. Of all important things, and I got distracted. It's my greatest weakness and I'm good at it...

Walking back into my room I changed into a random, non-fancy shirt, socks, pants, and a hoodie. Looking at the time again, it was 8:25.

Realizing I've dozed off, I rushed downstairs in a panic. I grabbed a granola bar, ate it, went back upstairs, brushed my teeth, grabbed my backpack, and ran back downstairs.

Looking around before going, I saw my sister wasn't there. Assuming she went to school without me, I grabbed my keys and dashed out the door, locking it in the process.


Making it onto school grounds, I came to an abrupt stop, looking around as I do. It's good I wasn't late. It's been about 2-3 months since I've been on these grounds. Last year I was in P/G, now I'm in C/G.

Spotting Rori lost in the sidelines, I walked up to her, waving in the process to get her attention.

Her dark-grey hair wasn't as messy as usual, instead, it was more tidy and straight. The shirt she was wearing was a shade of grey, and her red and white varsity jacket was worn tidily. She looked very neat unlike last year, but then again, this was the first day of school...

We found our lineups and met up with Skyla afterwards. Hearing the bell ring, we went to our assigned classrooms, and surprisingly, we were all in the same class!

We took our seats and look who sat next to me.

You guessed it.

The C/H/C boy from last year.

Class went went on like the first day of school would, easy. I thought back to how I've seen him at the dance last year, but that's it.

What's his name again...?



August XX, 20XX

While going to bed, I got a message from Discord. It was a server message from Ender, my old crush who rejected me horribly (I didn't even confess yet... and I wasn't planning to), but eh, he was sorry and I forgave him and we're friends now, I think...?


----- 3nder269 XX Aug 20XX 10:27

School starts tm
Who did you guys get?
I got Julie

----- Y/UN XX Aug 20XX 10:27

I got Mr. Trebmiroth

----- 3nder269 XX Aug 20XX 10:28

U know C/N C/LN?
He got Trebmiroth again
Like last year

----- Y/UN XX Aug 20XX 10:28

No I don't know him
But I know Cailou

----- Doodle XX Aug 20XX 10:29

Also um all 3 (ro me and u) all got Trebimiroth

----- Y/UN XX Aug 20XX 10:30



And so, the conversation drifted off right there and never returned back to that topic...

Until later...


End of《Prolouge; Next Year》

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