Ask Sherlock Holmes

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Help Desk: The default Sherlock is currently after "Reichenbach Fall", but you can also ask questions of  Kid!Lock, Vampire!Lock and Pirate!Lock. If you wish to add other Sherlocks to this list, please leave a comment on the Help Desk. When asking questions of any Sherlock other than after "Reichenbach Fall" Sherlock, please specify.


I'm Sherlock Holmes.

I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world. I invented the job.

I don't really feel like answering your questions, but John told me to try... 



Q.  Sherlock, WHY THE HECK DID YOU KILL YOURSELF!? I still don't understand! *sobs* - TheMastersDaughter

A. It was either me or John, Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade. You can thank Molly for helping me (Mycroft was involved, too, but I don't want to give him credit). - SH

Q. Can I have you phone number Pretty please Sherlock. - TheMastersDaughter

A. No. - SH

Q. Are you really that clever or did you just get lucky? - Blueeyesdragon101

A. Did Anderson put you up to this? That sounds like something stupid he would say. Of course I'm clever. You've seen what my blogger says about me. - SH

Q. What lead you to become the world's only consulting detective? - Hopelesswhite

A. I had the intelligence to do such a task. I was bored. It allows me to pick and choose my own hours and I meet the right people, may of whom owe me in one way or another. Quite honestly, I took a job that looked intriguing and made it better... I'm also very happy with the added bonus that Mycroft finds it a utter waste of time and not a real job. - SH

Q. HAI SHERLOCK HAI SO LIKE... how did you survive the fall? - JustLiveYourLife

A. I don't know who you are and, if I told you that, Moriarty's followers would no doubt find out as well and my past three years will have been for nothing. - SH

Q. Do you know the Doctor? Do you have clever fights? See who has higher chhekbones? - blueeyesdragon101

A. The Doctor? Unless you're speaking of Doctor Watson, I do not believe I have. Even so, I would clearly be the most clever of the two of us. - SH

Q. What was school like for you since you were so brilliant and... not typically sociable? Or was your personality radically different as a child/ teenager? - CstaTheDaydreamer

A. Quite frankly, school became rather tedious after about third grade. I was always several years ahead in my studies because of Mycroft and, while I was younger, I found the teachers interesting enough to hold a conversation with... Even if the other students were insufferable fools. Even their company was not intellectually intreging enough after a while, however, and I  regret to say I was forced to drop at sixteen due to near death through boredom and slight dabbling in stimulants. - SH

Q. I HAVE A QUESTION TO FOR SHERLOCK!!!!!!! if your bored so mutch why don't you try games like professor Layton? or take a ride in a rollercoaster? I'm sure you would like it p.s. I WISH I COULD THINK LIKE YOU its so awsume XD - CrazyTeddyBear

A. Thank you for stating you had a question for me in a forum full of people that were asking questions. Clearly nessessary. As for this game and rollercoaster, they do not sound in the slightest bit entertaining. Besides, I have a case to attend to. If for whatever reasons, you believe you can actually reach my level of intellectual, perhaps you should start with your vernacular and grammar points. - SH

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