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Sorry, i just love this meme, anddd..........  I just realized that in chapter 5, when (y/n) says fuck you to Sasuke, and he says 'is that an inventation' it sounds like he wants to fuck himself.....
My bad;(
Did you guys realize it too? I really hope not :(


Shit, I thought to myself, as I was struggling to pull my arm away from Sasuke to hide my many wounds that covered my skin, hoping he didn't see them.

Fuck, not even I believed that, he definitely saw them :(

"STOP! THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! " I felt as though my knees were going to buckle below me any second if Sasuke let me go.

Hot tears fell rapidly down my face while I was anticipating what could be going through Sasuke's mind.

Is he going to tell everyone at school? Is he going to call a mental asylum on me? Will he blackmail me for it?

The Tears were still flowing out of my eyes, and suddenly, I felt Sasuke let go of my wrist. Instead, his hand traveled up towards my cheeks (The ones above your waist) ;)
And wiped away my tears.

Sasuke is such a cliché -_-

And before I knew it, I was once again imprisoned in another one of Sasuke's warm embraces. But this time it was different, this time, he was crying too.

"Sasuke, please, I'm going to be late to school" To be honest, I couldn't care two flying shits for being on time for school, but I just wanted to get out of this awkward situation.

"Please, don't let go"

I didn't think it was possible, but Sasuke actually sounded desperate, like he had nobody for him, like he was alone, like he was...... excactly like me. (I know, I know this is cringy as fuck, but I didn't know what else to put) ;)

"You smell like her" Sasuke manages to blurt out, only leaving me even more unhinged than I already am.

Asking would just lead to more conversation, and let's be honest, do I really want that. He was probably just talking about another one of his fuck-buddies anyway.

Let's see, who was it this week again, oh yeah.... Ino.

"I smell like who?" I state unsympethiticly, knowing he's most likely talking about Ino.

"My mom"

My eyes practicly flew out of my head when I heard his words. The word 'mom' kept ringing threw my head, and I instantly thought about it, I thought about that day.

Suddenly my wrist began to throb, like it was just daring me to cut once again. I shoved myself out of Sasuke's grasp, but once I did, I dropped to knees as I thought I would.

My breath hitched, and I felt like I was going to die from suffocation. My heart was racing, and I felt dizzy.

My best guess, I was having a panic attack.

I as soon as I fell to the ground, Sasuke dropped next to me and slung his arm around my shoulders. He was telling me something, but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

The only thing that was going threw my head were the images of my mother, hanging from my sealing.

I couldn't help but feel so vulnerable, crying in some guys arms. I hated it.

About ten minutes later, I finally calmed down and tried to stand up. But Sasuke beat me to it and offered his hand to me.

I smacked it away not wanting to need his help, but the truth was, I did need it.

At first, Sasuke seemed shocked that I would do such a thing. But after about 5 seconds, that expression got replaced with his regular poker face.

~~Sasuke's POV~~

(Y/n) shoved me away from her when she heard me say the word 'mom' , I wonder why.

Does she hate her mom?

When she was out of my grasp, she instantly fell to the ground, kind of like her legs just gave out. I tried to comfort her by putting my arm around her shoulder, but I don't think that she noticed. She seemed to be in her own little world, one I was not apart of.

After about 10 minutes, she finally calmed down and looked like she was ready to stand up and go to school.

So I got up off the ground first and held out my hand, offering to help her up.

But I was not expecting her to smack my hand away and try to get up herself.

I scoffed and yanked her up by her wrist. I could see how much she was struggling, and all I wanted to do was help her up.

"You could have just said no thank you, jeez" I was trying to keep calm, but she was making that very difficult.

I noticed when I pulled up by her wrist, she winced at the pain because of her cuts.

"Cuts don't tickle, do they?" I stated sarcasticly.

What surprised me was that she actually replied. "What would you know? ......I bet you had a perfect little life..." She spoke the last part of her sentence with complete bitterness.

I can't help but hate her right now. But I guess I get why she said that, she doesn't know anything about me.

She doesn't know that my mother slit her wrist because my drunk dad was beating me with his lucky bat everyday.

She doesn't know that my older brother, Itachi, shot our dad while he was fucking some hoe in my mother's old room.

She doesn't know that Itachi molested me when I was 11, so I killed him with the same gun that he used to kill our dad.

The only thing that she knows is that I'm sexy as fuck.


I decided to not leave on a cliff hanger this time, your welcome ;)

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