you & i

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DESCRIPTION: In which Niall + Harry have been together for 6 years and their time together had an excruciating amount of bumps in the road, from rainchecks to cheap flowers to cheating. But when they break up, those 6 years are what they suddenly want back the most, and it hurts to see it go.

DISCLAIMER: This is a really long, really sad one-shot D:


Harry Styles had always been for losing when it came to the topic of love. The mere word mocks him whenever someone mentions it, even for the briefest moment. When he was a young boy, he was in a plethora of relationships, and because they all ended in tragedy, he never experienced love. He’d never seriously believed that it existed, anyways.

Then he graduated high school, and he decided to move out his parents house to get a bit closer to his college community. And in his dorm, lived a boy named Niall. That boy changed so much in Harry’s little irrelevant life that he himself didn’t even care for. He remembered the first day he met him like it was just the previous day.

Year 1, Day 1

Harry walked through the dimly lit dormitorium hallways in the new-found building he was becoming accustomed to. He had gotten completely lost several times and had to be redirected by some not-so-nice people he ran into. Glancing up from his directory sheet, he found himself to be standing in front of his new room. 204, it read. He took a deep breath, closed him eyes, and slid the key in to reveal his new room, and to his ultimate surprise, a new roommate.

The boy was turned away from him, FaceTiming someone on an iPhone, and seemingly oblivious to Harry’s presence. The curly-haired boy coughed, and the other boy noticed, saying “Someone’s in my room, probably my boyfriend, I’ll call you back.” Harry’s eyes widened, noticing how the boy said he had a boyfriend. Harry smiled a little, thinking, he’s gay! Finally.

The boy turned around, and almost went in for an immediate hug, but stopped embarrassed realizing that it wasn’t his boyfriend. Instinctively, he ran in some other room, and Harry waited, balancing himself from the tips of his feet to the heels, rocking himself back and forth. Awkward.

The boy ran back into the room with a pan in his hands, clutching onto his ‘weapon’. “Don’t come near me! I know kung fu, bitch!” Harry was too befuddled by the boy’s actions that he didn’t notice his sexy appearance. “Uh.. I’m your roommate?” He said in a deep whisper, frightened, and it came out more as a question than a statement. Almost instantly, Niall face-palmed himself. With the pan.

Harry chuckled, walking over, asking, “You okay, man?” Niall felt around before placing the pan on the nearby counter, nodding vigorously. “Well, yeah, besides the growing bruise on my forehead, I’m doing absolutely fine.” Once Niall’s foggy vision cleared, which didn’t take that long, he looked up to face his new roommate. Harry kind of melted at that point.

The boy's baby blue eyes reminded him of the sea, and they were some of the most beautiful pairs of eyes he’d ever witnessed. His brown-locks began at his scalp and as it grew, the color changed to beach blonde, which he wore underneath a white snapback. He wore a white long sleeve and light blue skinnies with white Supras, which was simple and casual, but Harry found it to suit him, regardless.

“Hello.. Earth to new boy.. DUDE!” Harry snapped out of his trance with a jolt and shook himself to life. He composed himself once again, gaining back his normal posture, and smiled a little bit. “Hi, sorry about that.” Niall grinned, and once again, Harry had to stop himself from melting to a puddle of pure feelings. “It’s alright, my name’s Niall Horan.” He extended his hand out, and Harry shook it firmly, wiping his clammy hands on his pants afterwards.

One-Shots + Drabbles → NarryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora