Into The Unknown

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"Why are you doing this" I ask. I just see the evil grin appear upon his face as he moves closer. "Because it's the only way-" Then before I can blink an eye I feel two hands push my shoulders further away until I don't feel the boats wooden flooring underneath my feet anymore. I see him get distant before water covers my eyes. My head immitallty hit something hard and my hands moved fast as I tried getting to the surface. The waves were too fast for me. They kept stacking on top of me.

I feel as the waves crash against my head as my lungs fill with pain and my eyes drift closed. I feel my head ache and my body feel helpless and limb. I feel my eyes shut just as I feel a hand grabs mine.


I slowly open my eyes to find I'm not in the water anymore.

My head aches my lungs hurt and my body feels numb.

I look up at the sky to see the clouds moving by faster than usual. I feel underneath me the floor moving up and down.

Then it hits me.

I'm on a boat

Was it all just a dream? Was it all just a horrible nightmare? When did I fall asleep?

"Oh my God your awake thank God" I hear an unfamiliar voice besides me.

I try to turn my head but my neck wouldn't allow me to move it much. From the corner of my eye I see a guy with black hair sitting next to me just staring at me.

"How do you feel? Does your head hurt? Can you talk? Do you know where you are? How many fingers am I holding up?" He asks so fast it gave my a headache. I groan as I touch my head to feel fabric on my head. I start to get worried as I feel it all around the top of my head. I start to get up but was held down. "Don't move so fast, you need to sit up slowly." I feel a hand on the back of my head and eventually on my back as I slowly sit up. My throat hurts but I try to speak.

"What happened?" I croak out.

"I was in a boat awhile behind yours when I saw someone push you off the boat. By the time I got there the boat was nowhere to be seen and you were unconscious."

Oh my god so it wasn't a dream

"I did CPR on you and then you woke up" He continues.

"Wha-but-I-how-what-he-what" I stumble on my words still in shock.

"Hey it's okay im getting you to safety don't worry I got you." He says quickly.

I reach up to touch the fabric on my head again and give him a questioning look.

"Oh when I got you out of the water you were bleeding so I just wrapped you up real quick until we got to a hospital."

Did he just say hospital?

"No. No, no please no I can't go there no please." I say

"What are you talking about you nearly drowned and your head is bleeding!" He frantically says.

"No please I can't he will be there I can't please. Can't you just try to bandage up my head here? I feel fine."

He stares at me for awhile and then nods and gets up. He goes to the boats wheel and starts up the engine again and goes full throttle.

I look around as I see everything go by so fast. No he can't take me there no I can't. He will be there I can't. I look at him giving a panicked look as we made eye contact.

"Don't worry." He says. "We're not going there."

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the unknown. To the ocean" He says.

Oh no this can't be happening.


Hey guys! Please lmk what you guys think of this book so far and let me know if I have any spelling or grammar errors please. I really hope you guys enjoy this book!


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