The Aftermath

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 Warning: This is a very short chapter. But that's because there is not much to say. I promise  that while the story is ending, there will be more!


Biana let out an inhuman noise as all the light left her brother's teal eyes. She rushed to his motionless, limp body, silver and black streaming down her face. She was as pale as a ghost.

Linh had collapsed against Tam, shaking like a leaf. Even emotionless Tam was trembling just the slightest bit.

Dex was ashen, and frozen in place. His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish, and his periwinkle eyes were wide with an emotion I couldn't read—was it fear, despair, or something else entirely?

Keefe didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I could see it in his face—he wasn't sad for losing his ex-best friend, not in the slightest bit, but he was still shaken to the very core. It was understandable. Even I hadn't expected for me to do something so horrible.

As for my reaction—I wasn't sure.

I was numb. I felt so, so cold, but I couldn't really feel it at all. Guilt bit at me, yet the numbness blocked out that, too. The entire world was washed with gray. What had I done?

I had—I had broken the hearts of a family. I had taken the life of a boy. I had let my rage get the better of me and destroyed something.

Yet I knew, deep down, that I had done the right thing.

Maybe I would spend the rest of my life in jail, shackled so I could no longer unleash whatever monstrous power dwelled within me, but I would never regret removing that bastard from this world. I would never regret giving Illea a new beginning.

This new beginning was in the hands of Biana.

I walked over to her sobbing form. When my hand made contact with her shuddering shoulder, emotion zinged through me and color flooded through my vision once more. "I'm sorry," I told her honestly. I had no regrets, but I still felt deeply sorry for bringing such loss to her and her blue-eyed family.

Her teal eyes were wide and glossy. "I knew it was going to happen," she whispered, wiping away a stray tear, "and I know that this is the best thing for my kingdom." She sniffed, barely containing herself. "So why does it hurt so much? Why did I just see my world shatter before my eyes?"

"Because you're a good person, Biana." I crouch down and wipe more tears off her cheek. "I know you are because you loved him even though he never loved you."

Biana's smile was watery and weak. Nonetheless, it was still the sun peeking through a storm. "And you're good, too, Sophie. You gave up your purity for a new dawn."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced up to see Della, her face also tear-stained but still maintaining her motherly calm. "Thank you," she breathed, "for doing what's right for Illea." Her eyes meet mine, and I'm taken aback by the flood of emotions there. "I can never hate you for what you did. I can only love you for your bravery." A heavy sigh rattled through her thin form. "He was my son," she rasped painfully, "but he was also the downfall of my kingdom."

"What's going to happen?" I ask her, not able to resist a smile when Keefe's warm arms encircle me. He rests his head on my shoulder, and I want desperately to look at his ice blue eyes to find certainty there.

"I'm not sure," the queen admitted quietly. "I do know, though, that Biana will be crowned as the next heir to the throne, and that you will be honoured as a savior of the kingdom."

She shushed me. "You are not evil in any ways, Sophie. You did something good today, as much as it pains me." Her sad smile was identical to Biana's. "Every action has two sides to it. They never tell you the bad sides of the stories, but trust me, they are there. The good side to your story is there, too, and much more prominent than the bad. Trust me, Sophie, you are a savior."

I hadn't even noticed that all my friends had crept closer until they all repeated, "You are a savior."


Yes, I know, pitifully short. And not very good, either. But still... it's an update... and very emotional.

Before I forget—it's Thanksgiving and I'm thankful FOR EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU GUYS. Thank you SO MUCH for actually spending your time to support me and this story. YOU ARE AMAZING AND DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE!!!!

I love you all!!!!!


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