Just a Minion

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Apparently, I was now to be a minion until I "had served my purposeful meaning as a Searcher." He told me about how Searchers and Lost Ones have "disobeyed Bendy, their dictator," or something like that. I was hardly listening. I just kept staring at my... "Hands." Wondering what was to come and why I had made this terrible mistake.

It's still doable! I comforted myself. You could definitely make it work. Crawl up through the vents... Find your way to the surface again... Make it back home! Easy-peasy! But really, even my head knew, it was NOT that easy. Sammy Lawrence seemed to go on and on forever. He kept mocking me, as if he was now better than I was, because I just happened to now be a minion to his lord. If I could break it to him, I would have. I would have screamed in his face while holding his sorry throat, "YOU LITERALLY ARE JUST AS LOW AS ME, IF YOU WORSHIP THAT GUY!" But, of course, I could not. And it was true-- I WAS a minion now, after all. I supposed that I wouldn't need to eat food like he had said... So starvation definitely wasn't necessary any longer. Finally, I could tell, Sammy Lawrence was wrapping up his (very traumatic baby story).

"With that, I conclude, that you furthermore must serve your new master," he finished. I blinked and nodded solemnly. He was grinning, I was sure. "Am I understood?" He cooed, kneeling next to me almost like I was a baby. I nodded. "Good," he told me, standing up and brushing off his overalls with his sticky hands. "Come with me, willingly, and you won't be forced to do anything... Got it?" I did as I was told.

The only way to escape this... Is to embrace this, I decided.


I was now a Searcher. I still couldn't believe my eyes. I felt though, my "feeling" sense had heightened, but my vision... Was lowered. What I mean by "feeling" is really the sixth sense. Some say it is a myth, but I believe it to be true. I could feel everything around me. Sammy Lawrence led me to a room. I noticed my tape recorder, and tried not to seem awkward about it. Sammy must not have noticed.

"Whenever you feel a prompting," he told me, "a temptation... That is Bendy. You need to heed his calling and do what it is you think you will need to do." I nodded. "Follow the temptation. Always." I nodded. He left me. I looked around. I came to the tape recorder. I pressed the record button, but I could not speak. Suddenly... I felt horridly angry. I threw around papers, screaming with my mouth full of ink. Papers turned to chairs, chairs turned to tables, and eventually I was slamming my head onto the walls. This agonizing pain... Would not go away. The recording stopped. I fixed up the place a little.

I heard a mouse.

I didn't even think twice about it. There I was, slaughtering it. I slapped it, coating it in ink; it quickly died. The pain I was feeling stopped! Oh, but of course, it only came waving back. This pain was to torture me, to control me, I realized. It was not coincidence, I decided, and went into the corner to continue slamming my head against the wall with pure hatred against what Sammy Lawrence and Bendy had done to me.

I hate Bendy. Never again will I see him the same way. He will always appear to me... As the real demon behind the screen... Never, ever, will I see him as cute. Unless something of course changed my mind. Highly doubted that, though.

I was going to live like  this........ Stranding myself here, alone, dark, and forever abused. Stained like a pen accidentally sitting on a paper for far too long.

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