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After an asteroid hits, many special crystals are scattered around the world with many magical powers. After the asteroid hit, everyone was starting to search for these Crystal's instead of gold. There was one man who found a crystal of darkness. With this Crystal's power in him he was able to control people he came across with dark minds and rule over the world, making a tyranny. That is the only certainty known about his power, but it is believed he has much more power than that. Now, there has been talks of one crystal found in the Nadeo island. (The three main islands are Nadeo, Proracteo, and Deoctulous.) Now our main character, Kokoruchu, is now looking for a new purpose in life, after his father died from an unknown reason in a cave. There are rumors that his father was killed by the government tyranny. Kokoruchu comes from the smallest island, Deoctulous. With his mother always out working and having no siblings, he decides to go out and look around for one of these elusive Crystal's.

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