Chapter 1:For my Father, my Mother, and Us

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(Carrying bag with objects inside) " Man if I could find one of these crystals maybe I could make my father proud."thought Kokoruchu. " But it's late, and I think I should head home to check on my mom and see if they released what type of crystal was discovered." "Hi mom..." Kokoruchus mom is called
Helena."Did you find anything special today."Says Helena.(Kokoruchu rumages through bag) "Yeah I found an obsidian knife, a few coins, and an old magazine about the day the tyranny took over the islands." Says Kokoruchu. "Mom can you turn on the radio." "Sure sweetie" *Radio sounds*"Today we have discovered that the crystal found was green, so we cannot confirm what the crystal power holds, but we are keeping it safe as our leader has decided to keep it behind a safe, guarded by the top naval forces." " Son, whatever you do, please dont ever join that wicked navy." Helena says. "Mom, I'm going to be what causes the downfall of the tyranny, and free you, my friends, and this whole island!" Kokoruchu says enthusiasticaly " Whatever you do please dont your yourself, the pain you get hurts me too." Says Hellen. (There is a knock at the door) "Hey Kokoruchu open the door before I break it!" "Mom i think that's Zandi."
" Whats up Koko?!" Says Zandi." Did you hear about the crystal they found? I think the darkness dude wants to keep the crystal to himself and just keep becoming more powerful." Zandi wasnt very similar to Kokoruchu. He was always positive, never had a doubt of who he was, and what he is going to do. His family were upper middle class, being very popular merchants in the city of Leutonia. " I was thinking we could go see Danuru tommorow at our hideout" Says Zandi." " Will we all be there?" Says Kokoruchu." Yes, sadly..." Says Zandi" What do you mean?" "Well, our leader Wellington is leaving to the navy because he wants to support his family with money." Says Zandi. " BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CRYSTALS, WERE SURELY ABOUT TO FIND ONE!"Screams Kokoruchu."We cant stop now, we cant we just cant!" "I'm afraid he has grown up to see the bigger picture for him and his family." Says Zandi. " He already had this in mind for months, but didnt want to sadden us so he could be happy with us." "Well if theres no changing his mind, we should go on one more expedition with him to say our farewells, we might find gold or silver like we did that one time." Says Kokoruchu.

The Next Day....
Its bright and sunny, the bird are flying high the clouds nowhere in sight, everything feels bright snd happy, unlike the mood everyone was feeling. In a few minutes everyone arrives at the park, the whole crew is there. Kokoruchu is first to arrive. Then comes Zandi, accompanied by Danuru. "Today is gonna be a sad day.." Says Danuru. "I'm really gonna miss Wellington, you know." Danuru was a bright kid, never did anything wrong, was always looking out for his friends. He already had an offer for a scholarship from a mid-level college, where he wanted to become a doctor, even though the wages have been crashing down ever since the tyrant implemented "that" rule."Hey guys let's start heading into the cave!" Shouts out Hakumi. "Just remember to go to the specific area of the cave." Hakumi was a girl always wanting to feel like she belongs somewhere, and she thinks she finally found the place with this group. She always love hanging around with her friends, since her parents are both part of the navy, with her dad is a high ranking officer. Next comes running in Matchutizku. She had been the toughest one in the group, and had been working hard to get her boat license. She is very adventurous and doesn't let any stereotypes she sometimes gets called by her own parents get in the way of her goal of being a sailor that travels around the world. And finally, comes Wellington moping into the cave, with a tear in his eye everyone knew he was sad. "Your'e finally hear." Says Kokoruchu. "Is there any way I could persuade you to not joining the Navy. In the first place, even if you wanted to support your family, why would you join the Navy? That's stupid! You had so many other choices and" "I didnt have a choice!" Says Wellington. "They came to my house and told me to join, and when I denied they took my family! You know I didnt even want to come! Your all in high school and you still act like stupid children from pre-school!" Im leaving, your probably never gonna find anything but rotten apples in this cave!" Screams Wellington. "We never wanted you in this group either ways!" Hesitatingly screams Kokoruchu. "You screwed up again." Says Zandi while watching in the back. "Where did Wellington go?" Asks Matchutizku. "His Navy ship had to leave earlier. Let's start heading to the cave so we dont waste more time." Says Kokoruchu. "So how's school been, with all the new kids, and the bullies in school have you been good Danuru?" Asks Matchutizku. "Yeah I haven't been bullied yet, luckily. I am actually a but surprised because I have had to deal with bullies all my life but I feel like I can actually defend myself this year. Oh yeah one more question, where did Wellington go?" "He had to go to the Navy boat because it's going to leave earlier than expected." Says Matchutizku. "We should wait for everyone to start coming in so we dont get lost again. You remember what happened last time we didnt wait for them." "Yeah your right." Says Danuru. "Hey guys dont worry were right behind you!" Shouts Zandi. "You guys are actually going the right way for the first time. Hakumi did you bring the shovels so we could dig deeper down the wholes?" "Yeah I brought them. I also brought a metal detector my dad had from a few years ago." Says Hakumi. "Alright guys we finally made it to our cave." Says Kokoruchu. "I wonder if we can find gold to pay for my college tuition." Thinks Kokoruchu. "Hakumi pass out the shovels already." Says Zandi. "Do you guys think the government is good?" Ask Kokoruchu. "Well it's not bad for my family, we've got a good amount of wealth and we have enough the visit the other islands." Says Zandi. " I dont like it, my mom always has to work since they implemented "that" rule into the laws." Says Matchutizku. "If I ever went to war with the government, would you guys be by my side?" Asks Kokoruchu. "That's a big thing to ask from pipsqueks like us." Says Danuru. "Its like asking us to carry the world on our shoulders." "We all know the government is bad but not even the people trying to start a revolution are overpowering the weakest unit the government has." Says Hakumi. " Guys let's get back to work so we can turn in what we get to the traders before the day ends." Says Zandi. Before they knew it they had been digging for 3 hours, with Kokoruchu finding a pen, rocks, and more rocks. Zandi finds a few silver coins, and a really cool rock. Danuru finds a skull with the words, "They crystal did this to us" engraved on it. Hakumi was having no luck and was just piling dirt. Matchutizku had the best loot finding all sorts of stuff from a golden ball to a sword from 300 years ago. Out of nowhere everyone hears a scream."I found it I found it!" Screams Hakumi. Everyone comes running over. "What did you find?" Asks Kokoruchu. "A crystal!" Screams Hakumi. Silence surrounds the room for a good minute, as everyone is in disbelief. "What color is it?" Asks Zandi. "Its a multicolored crystal, I'm not sure if it's even one of those magical powered ones. Responds Hakumi. "Well bring it up here." Says Matchutizku. "You guys should be careful if it really is one of the crystals." Says Danuru. "Why" Asks Matchutizku. "I found a skull that said "The crystal did this to us" on it." Says Danuru. "Whatever, it was probably a fake skull." Says Matchutizku." Guys look isn't it really cool." Says Hakumi. "I saw a theory that you get the powers by cracking it into two." Said Kokoruchu. "But who is going to get the powers." Says Zandi. "I think I should get them since I was co-leader with Wellington. "No way Zandi I was the one that found it!" Says Hakumi. As they argue, Hakumi drops the crystal. "You broke the crystal you idiot!" Screams Zandi. " You know how long it took us to find it! How many people have searched to find one! How my people wasted their lives! As they continue to argue, the broken crystal creates 5 different airs, as each one inhales one type. As they realize that theres a gas they run out. "Guys hurry up whatever it is that gas could kills us!" Says Danuru. " As they run out to the gave they all drop to the floor and faint. "Guys, are you okay, I think we all fainted." Says Kokoruchu. As he wakes he sees all his friends fainted on the ground.
Zandi is covered in flames, his skin red, but he does not seem in pain. Danuru looks the same, nothing different about him. Hakumi looks silverfish, almost as if she's a sword. Matchutizku is in a deep whole, covered in acid. Kokoruchu takes one look at his fingers, and sees his hand completely turned into air.

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