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I sit on the couch, not even bothering to pay attention to the two scolding at me like they're really in charge of me or something. I just think about the day I had with Lance and how I can barely keep in my feelings anymore. I was horrified I might explode and tell him. 

"Keith...Keith, are you even listening?" Allura stops pacing and yells at me. 

"What? Yeah." I nod and look at her. 

"What did I say?" She crosses her arms. I stay silent. "See, this is what I'm talking about-"

"You guys aren't in charge of me, you know." I suddenly say. They look at me. 

"Well, I mean, of course, I am Shiro said that-"

"Takashi says a lot like I'll enjoy it here and he'll be back shortly. It's been a month and so far I hate my life and Takashi is nowhere in site. He won't even bother telling me where he is." I scoff and stand up. I head for the stairs.

"He hasn't told you yet?" Coran exclaims. I turn and face him.

"He's only called once and only talked for five minutes about bullshit," I reply. 

"What do you mean? He's called multiple times a week, saying that he's told you everything he's done." Coran spins his mustache hair with his index finger. I let out a laugh and continue my way up the stairs.

"Now you're just fucking with me." I shake my head.

"He's being serious, Keith." Allura pitches in. "You're just too busy stuck in the room all day to ever come down and ask." 

"Allura don't start attacking him," Coran says in a cautious tone. 

"Finally you side with me!" I exclaim over the railing. 

"I'm not siding with anyone!" Coran looks up at me and I groan. 

"Bullshit." I click my tongue and head to the guest room to take a breather. 

I finally manage to take my coat off and open up the window slightly. The cool air always managed to keep me stressfree somehow. I guess it was the way it caressed my skin or the way it sets itself in the room, changing the heated tone to a nice, cool one. 

I take off my jeans and slide on my pajamas that I was wearing before. I sit on the office chair and toss a small, plastic, bouncy ball around. I found it under the couch when I was cleaning a few days ago and it's been my only entertainment. 

As I toss the ball, I think about how I haven't heard Takashi calling. Why wouldn't they tell me? I mean I am his son. Why'd they assumed I'd just know? Where is he? 

I brush it off as them just lying and trying to guilt-trip me in some odd way. I finish tossing the ball a couple more times before standing and leaving the room. Allura and Coran were heard in the kitchen, talking about some smart-people things that I didn't understand. 

I head down the stairs quietly, I didn't want another lecture from the two about responsibility and having some self-control. I sneak past the left side of the stairs and down a secret hallway they didn't mention to me yet. I discovered it one day when Coran was at work and Allura was at cheer practice. 

The hall was the oldest part of the house. It smells of plants and wet wood. It's dark and dusty and the floor creaks with every light step. But down this old hall leads to many doors, one a closet full of old junk, one with old photos and clothes, and one that leads to absolute magic. 

I carefully open the last door and turn on the lights. All of the lights flicker for a moment, but soon shine, displaying shelves of books at every wall. Above was a large, multicolored, skylight. In the bright, sunny mornings, the sun will shine down on the colors of the skylight and display a picture on the mahogany floor. I could never make out the picture and I'm not going to ask. I'm almost 100 percent sure I'm not supposed to know about this or even be here. 

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