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The Icelander had another fight with his brother which resulted in the younger storming off, in a fit, the visit a well known friends house. Now Sadiq was surprised to see the teen at his door, but that didn't mean he wouldn't comfort the tears eyed Emil.

They sat on Sadiq's couch just talking with mugs of hot chocolate in their hands. "So why'd you come here, boy?" The Turkish man finally asked.

Emil looked away from his friend and sighed gently. "Lukas and I...we got into an argument about his boyfriend...again. I just. I wish Lukas would realize what a big idiot he is," Emil looked back at Sadiq. "I really hate him for many things. He's teased me about many things including...well,um," he stumbled over his words as a blush washed over his cheeks.

Sadiq raised an eyebrow to the reaction but soon figured out what he was trying to say. "Sex? He asked you about sex? You're not a virgin are you?" The mans question rang through the younger's ears causing the blush to deeper as he nodded slowly. "I am actually. I want the right person," he mumbled afraid of being teased. The older man simply smiled and ruffled the boy's hair making other slap his hands away to fix the mussed up mess. "I think it's sweet, Emil, to wait for your perfect partner," the Icelander smiled at him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you so much pops," he kissed his cheek gently and hid his face in his neck. Sadiq pulled the boy close and rubbed his back gently. "Anything for you boy,"

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