Been so long 😭

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Ello loves it's been such a long time since I lasted updated this story~ I apologize my admin recently gotten a new phone and still working on getting everything she has had on her old phone 😊

I'm going to say I am happy to be back and I see my story is close to reaching 1k views 😍 I'm so happy to see you all are enjoying my story and I want to make it clear that even though the account is under Levi, I'm still here to update my story and if anyone wants to rp with me then that's no problem at all lovelies~💕

Life has been such a mess if only my babies were here to cheer me up.. 😭

Oh well anyways just wanted to set things straight~

Oh an for new followers and my older ones I'm so sorry if it shows that I do not follow you I really am trying to follow everyone as much as I can but it seems like wattpad doesn't want me to exceed following everyone I really do apologize wattpad has been bugging out on me please don't hate me~!! 😭

Well that's all I had to say and I hear my admin is also thinking about doing killing stalking rp's as well~ Sounds like fun she's been so obsessed with that manga I swear~

Oh well I must go now goodbye loves I hope that everyone has a lovely day/night~~💕💕

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