Chapter 16- Withdraw

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22nd July

Next day around 9 o'clock Priyasha had to forcefully encourage herself to attend the women's association's meeting. In the beginning she was excited to attend the discussion regarding Rathyatra celebration. But she was feeling uneasy ever since Jai's warning.

Priyasha's eyes roamed around the meeting hall as she uncomfortably shifted on her seat. More or less thirty something ladies were present in the room and most of them aged between thirty-five to forty-five years old. Her eyes darted toward the corner where a bunch of comparatively younger ladies were whispering among themselves.

Mrs. Iyer, the President and Mrs. Sengupta, the vice president of the Women's Association started the session not before it struck 9:25 am. They introduced each member to others before everyone settled down and the discussion begun.

Priyasha fidgeted on her seat, pressing herself to concentrate on the surrounding but she felt miserable after listening to their speculation for twenty minutes straight. It was awful. Jai was right. It wasn't a meeting. It was gossiping. Her head hurt until suddenly she found an opportunity to give her suggestion.

"No, I mean it'd be best if we tie up with the Temple committee. I mean, they know it best how to serve the Lord with proper rules and regulations. They will guide and fix our faults in Lord's service, if anything."

"But wouldn't they interfere with our funds and our way of celebration?" Mrs. Shaw raised her voice. "I don't think we can particularly trust anyone outside our association."

Priyasha slightly shook her head. "Please don't categorize Temple committee with any other. I know people from there. They are humble enough to help out. Besides, if we really can help them by donating a portion of our funds instead of having a non-vegetarian dinner party afterwards which I'm sure has been in practice here, it'd be beneficial in both ways. I don't think non-veg savories should be a part of such devotional festival."

Mrs. Sengupta clapped. "Well, well, Ms. Chatterjee. You're reasonable here, that we really understand your point. However, wouldn't it be a little out of our range? As we celebrate the festival different way, wouldn't it contradict many of our sentiment attached to this?"

"I'm just sharing my opinion. Rest depends on majority present here."

Priyasha smiled and checked her phone. Still two hours to go.

"Well," Mrs. Das began. Priyasha noticed, she was one of the younger members, maybe at her late twenties, a little dusky colored skin tone and a pair of talkative eyes had made her appearance captivating. "I think we should consider Ms. Chatterjee's suggestion, besides if we are planning to serve and feed Brahmins afterwards, Temple authority can really help us in that matter."

Mrs. Iyer agreed on her statement then asked for any other suggestions.

Mrs. Ganguly, Mrs. Sethi and Mrs. Biswas were sitting behind the row where Priyasha's being seated.

She heard a snort from behind her, then overheard the whispering.

"This is ridiculous, Mrs. Sethi. Now the association will prioritize younger members? Value their opinion where we're the experienced one?"

"You're right, Mrs. Biswas. We have been serving since the beginning, now a new member will take over our places? How unreasonable is that!"

"Yes, and what can you even expect from an unmarried girl living with a bachelor?"

"And what bachelor, Mrs. Biswas! We really cannot trust that young man. He's been living here more or less for three years, but not once has participated in any of the get together or any meeting of the society! He doesn't even talk to us!" Another snort followed the gossip, "And do you even know Mrs. Ganguly, last night what my regular attendant, Keshu saw?"

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