W̷h̶e̵r̵e̸ ̶A̵m̵ ̸I̶?̷

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T̴h̶e̴F̴c̴k̷i̶n̷g̶S̶u̵p̷r̴e̷e̷ ̴w̵e̷n̶t̴ ̵o̴l̶i̵n̵

T̷h̵e̶k̶i̷g̵S̶u̵p̷r̷m̶e̶:̷ where am I?

k̷i̵g̴S̴u̵p̴r̵e̶m̶e̵:̴ it's dark

T̶h̵e̷u̴c̵k̵i̶n̵g̴S̵u̶p̶r̷e̵m̵:̷ and cold

T̶h̶e̵F̷u̷c̵k̶i̶n̷g̶S̴u̶p̷r̵e̵m̶e̷:̴ what happened to me?̷

T̶h̵e̵F̵u̵c̷g̵S̵p̶r̶e̴m̴e̵:̶ shit...

T̷h̵F̷u̵c̴k̵i̶n̷S̴u̵r̶e̶m̵e̴:̷ Sarah!

T̶h̶e̷F̶u̴c̸k̸i̴n̴u̸p̸:̵ She was in the kitchen

T̶h̶e̶F̷i̷n̴g̴S̴u̵p̷r̶e̴m̵e̵:̵ I heard a voice I didn't recognise so I went downstairs

T̶h̶e̶F̷i̷n̴g̴S̴u̵p̷r̶e̴m̵e̵: that's when I saw her

T̴h̶e̴F̴c̶k̴i̵n̴g̵S̴u̵p̴r̴m̷e̵: she was just standing there...as if she were frozen

T̴h̶e̴F̴c̶k̴i̵n̴g̵S̴u̵p̴r̴m̷e̵: she didn't respond when I called her too

h̸e̸F̸u̶c̴k̴i̶n̵g̷S̴u̵p̶r̶e̶m̴e̵:̶ I turned her around

T̶h̴e̷F̶u̵i̸n̸g̴S̴u̷p̵: and her mouth was wide open

e̴F̴u̸c̸k̸i̸n̷g̶S̴u̶p̵r̵e̵m̶e̷:̵ her eyes were black and there was like faint black smoke coming from them both

Th̴e̵u̷c̶i̷n̴g̶S̷u̴p̵r̵e̶: the voice I heard...it was coming from her...from her mouth but she wasn't moving her lips

T̶h̷e̶F̶u̴c̵k̷i̷n̴g̵S̶u̵p̴r̴e̶m̸e̸: I tried to make out what it was saying but..it just made me feel lightheaded and weightless

T̴h̶e̴F̴c̶k̴i̵n̴g̵S̴u̵p̴r̴m̷e̵: I felt drawn to it..like I could've fallen into its embrace...I didn't understand why I felt that way

T̶h̷e̶F̶u̴c̵k̷i̷n̴g̵S̶u̵p̴r̴e̶m̸e̸:̵ I went to touch her to try and shake her out of it but the next thing I knew she grabbed me and I ended up here

T̴h̶e̴F̴c̶k̴i̵n̴g̵S̴u̵p̴r̴m̷e̵: wherever "here" is

T̶h̷e̶F̶u̴c̵k̷i̷n̴g̵S̶u̵p̴r̴e̶m̸e̸: it's voice changed though before it grabbed me...it turned from a voice to what sounded like... radio static

T̶h̷e̶F̶u̴c̵k̷i̷n̴g̵S̶u̵p̴r̴e̶m̸e̸: Maybe this is where it brought Sally

T̷h̷e̴F̴u̴c̵k̶i̵n̶p̷r̷e̷m̶e̷:̵ I knew Sarah was too quiet during the meal

T̴h̷c̵k̷i̶n̵g̵u̵p̶r̷e̷m̴e̷:̴ She was a lot more talkative over the phone the few times we spoke

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