Hey Neighbor- Ray x Mikey

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^^ Why does Mikey low-key look like iDubbbz?

A/N: I cringed so hard as I wrote this and proofread like ten times. I suppose this AU could be set in whatever era. Sorry if they're OOC

Warnings: Strong language

"Fucking finally!" Ray exhaled loudly as he brought the last box into his new apartment. Slamming the door, he slid down against the wall, running his hand through his curly hair. He stared out the window into the afternoon sky with a smile. 'I finally moved out'. Pride filled his face as he observed the apartment closer, mapping out how he should arrange the furniture.

'It's better if I just put all the stuff into the rooms today' He said in his mind. Starting out with the kitchen stuff, he lifted the heaviest box to the kitchen, he felt a sharp pain in his hip as he bumped into the edge of the counter. "Fuck!" He screamed, letting go of the box to clutch his side.


He winced as he heard the loud shattering and knew he made a huge mistake. The open cardboard box revealed that most of the dinnerware was broken and scattered all over the tile floor. "Well shit."


Mikey's fingers froze on the bass frets as he heard a loud string of curses from the dude next door. "The new neighbor seems to be having fun," he snickered as the shouting continued. He felt a bit of concern and debated on checking on them, or giving in to his socially awkwardness.

'Might as well check on them' He laid his silver sparkle bass on his unmade bed and went off to meet the clumsy neighbor.


Ray's procrastinating was interrupted by a quiet knock on the door. He helped himself up and stepped over the china shards to open the door.

"Hey, I'm your neighbor Mikey, I heard a bunch of stuff and uh, just wanted to see if you were O.K." A lanky man introduced. He was a few inches shorter than him with awkward knees. Mikey's light brown eyes hidden behind glasses were what really got to him. He wasn't gonna lie, the guy was kinda attractive.

Ray pushed away his thoughts and gave a polite smile to the guy. "Um, yeah. I guess I was being an idiot and broke some glass... I'm Ray, by the way" He replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"Want any help? I'd be glad to," Mikey offered with a kind voice and a straight face. Ray wanted to learn more about this guy, so he couldn't decline.


A few bandages and tiny shards of china later, they were getting along just fine. They had some stuff in common, they shared a love for music and comics and were both from New Jersey.

"Haha you have to show me your guitar skills someday, we can totally start a band if we wanted to!" Mikey exclaimed.

"Seems like a great idea!" Ray smiled.

"Maybe we can practice together sometimes," Mikey smirked raising his eyebrows.

Ray blushed and changed the subject, "Hey, can you help me move the boxes into the rooms please?" He grabbed a box and brought it into the kitchen, Mikey sighed and grabbed a bunch of boxes and brought them to their designated room.


As the sun began to set, the two actually managed to assemble all the furniture and put away all the stuff, Ray reminded himself to go grocery shopping later. The two exchanged numbers, even though they live right next to each other. Ray and Mikey jokingly flirted with each other the entire day. They could even consider themselves friends after today.

"Thank you so much for the help Mikey! Talk to you later," Ray thanked, waving goodbye with a wink. Mikey's face turned a slight pink and scurried out of the room.

---- A few weeks later

Ray has been living in the complex for about four weeks now, he woke up to banging on the door. "Ray get your ass up!" The voice was muffled, but he knew it was Mikey. The two became close friends in the short amount of time. He checked the clock, 9 AM, he rolled out of bed and dragged himself to the door and met Mikey in his Star Wars pajamas with a smug grin. "Wanna watch Jaws? I've got pizza," Mikey invited with light in his eyes.

At that moment, Ray's stomach growled. 'Goddammit Michael, this is the third time we watched this movie' "Fine." He finally answered. Mikey grabbed his bicep and pulled him to his apartment. The touch made Ray blush and sparked his imagination into something he shouldn't even be thinking of.

Mikey's apartment had a welcoming aura to it. The place was somewhat clean and had a few pictures on the wall. "Ray, can you grab the pizza from the table?" Mikey called from in front of the T.V., putting the disc into the player and pushed it in. They hopped onto the sofa and helped themselves to some pizza.


The movie was great, but Ray got distracted by Mikey's appearance. His light brown hair was disheveled and covered his right eye, he didn't care to push it back, and he pushed his glasses back in place on occasion. 'He's so cute.' Ray beamed.

"Why are you staring at me?" The bassist inquired, his cheeks flushing. "It's weird." He looked down with a slight smile.

"Oh crap, sorry I zoned out," Ray lied and looked away. Mikey shook it off, and they continued to watch the movie. Ray already knew how the movie ended, but Mikey seemed to enjoy it, so he stayed silent.

As the credits rolled, Mikey turned towards Ray with his signature poker face and nervous eyes.

"Dang it Mikey, now you're doing it to me? I think I get it alrea-" Ray was cut off by Mikey pulling him by his shirt and crashing their lips together. He was shocked for a moment, but then  placed his calloused hand on Mikey's soft cheek and Mikey wrapped his arms around Ray's neck. Mikey's lips were soft and tasted like pizza. He smelled like coffee and old books. The kiss was messy, but sweet. It was their first kiss after all. They pulled away from each other for a gasp of air and leaned their foreheads together, their cheeks rosy.

"Hey, that's pretty good," Mikey finally said, laying his head on Ray's shoulder. Ray laughed and pet his soft hair.

After an hour of just chatting, Ray hesitantly opened his mouth to speak. "Wanna go on a date with me?" He nervously bounced his knee waiting for a response.

Mikey lifted his head off of his shoulder. "Of course, dude!" The younger man replied, replacing his usual straight-face with a joyful grin. Ray sighed with relief.

"I guess I'll pick you up tomorrow at 5?" Ray asked with a wink, earning another smile.

"See you then."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2018 ⏰

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