Chapters 9

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(Authors note: Hey guys! im going to start making single chapters each time I update so the chapters can be longer and easier for me :3)

Chapter 9 

Xan was about to punch my face when someone caught his fist seconds before it hit my face, I opened my eyes and there he was....Levi, standing right in front of me. Just in time Levi!! "I'd think twice before hitting someone dear to me..Xan Yu...Now leave " Levi said coldly to Xan and there Xan left. Is Levi that scary? He isn't scary to me though. 

Levi and I started working on our homework together and I drank some of my coffee tiredly then I knocked out cold sleeping. Levi carried me to my room and laid me in bed letting me sleep.

I woke up in the morning and got out of bed, was college canceled for today? I looked outside and saw snow...but it was red snow...I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out, I fell down and looked up....My eyes widen...A dead deer, it slowly turned its head to look at me, I finally screamed, Levi came running into my room, hearing my screams "Whats wrong?!" He asked worried, "Dead deer....o-on the snow.." I sputtered "Theres nothing there Axel...come here.." He said pulling me into a hug

Levi got out of the shower, having on a black hoodie and long black pants, he walked out of the bathroom and slipped on his shoes "Im going out to grab some dinner, ill be back in an hour or not leave the dorm.." Levi instructed and I nodded sitting on my bed, he put on another jacket because it was snowing and cold outside then he walked outside.

I sat in bed still, watching movies hugging my corgi plush tightly to my chest, Its 9pm...He's been gone for 3 hours now.....Ill just get some rest and he might wake me up when he gets home..

I heard the front door open and I shot up quickly hearing noises from the living room and crashes of glass, I ran into the living room and my eyes widened. 

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