Dance 'Till Dawn

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There are many days where Oscar questions why his aunt does what she does. From making him work dusk till dawn, to putting poor 3 year old Oscar in one of her old pink dresses; but something that actually turned out to be useful was his frankly embarrassing knowledge on how to dance. Yup, truly his aunt had saved Oscar's night. Besides his obvious joy at the chance for quality time with his friend, this was what spun around in his mind when the pale, fierce beauty that was Ruby Rose mentioned that she couldn't dance. It was a normal conversation really, the team was thinking of throwing a mini party as a break after getting the relic to vale, and had started talking about the last dance they had been to during their time at Beacon. As Oscar hadn't known the group at the time, he listened intently to all the stories about their dates, dance moves, and even how Jaune ended up wearing a dress! All the while noticing that Ruby had been oddly silent the entire time. When the team dispersed due to the aging night, he had seen Ruby walk into the balcony of their temporary home, prompting the Curious young man to follow suit. Oscar couldn't help but notice how her magnificent silver orbs glew in the moonlight, though his trance was promptly broken when Ruby had realized his presence. "Oscar? What are you doing out here?" The silver eyed beauty had inquired. This lead to the poor boy's sporadic and amusing excuses as he desperately tried to explain himself without sounding like a total stalker. For a moment, Oscar thought he could feel the old man in his head's growing amusement, however it was probably just his imagination because Ozpin still hadn't shown any signs of existence ever since he had locked himself deep within the mind of Oscar Pine in shame for hiding so much from the crew. "Haha well feel free to stay here and look at the stars with me if you want." Ruby had offered, snapping Oscar out of the caverns of his mind. "Oh yeah, sure." The very socially inept teen had agreed, feeling his cheeks warm in spite of the cold winter weather. The two teens had many conversations and laughs, feeling unbound from all the stress and drama that had accompanied them throughout their journey. This eventually led to talk of the party and the question Oscar had bouncing around his mind since the beginning: "Why were you so quiet during the talk about your school dance? I'd love to hear stories about your time there!" Oscar excitedly asked, immediately regretting it when he saw the joy deflate from Ruby's face. "Well...I don't have much to tell. I didn't dance, or have someone to dance with. Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset that I didn't have a date or anything since I wasn't interested in that sort of thing, but I just wish I danced at all. Now that the fate of the WORLD is in our hands, I wish I'd realized that fighting wasn't everything sooner. Oh what do I care, it's not like I even know how to dance!" Ruby covered her face with her hands, looking down. Oscar was awestruck. Ruby Rose, the strongest, prettiest, kindest, most perfect girl in existence didn't know how to dance??? Furthermore, she hadn't danced with anyone before! A small and gentle smile had crept onto the farm boy's face as he extended his gloved hand towards Ruby. "Well then, it's about time you claim that dance. After all, someone has to teach you." Ruby chucked at Oscar's remark, grabbing his hand in acceptance of Oscar's offer. Much to Ruby's surprise, the boy immediately pulled her towards him, positioning her hands correctly. Oscar wasn't sure if It was just the beautiful snowy weather or the moon, but his heart felt warmer than any fireplace. "Okay so now that we're like this, just follow my foot steps." Oscar instructed, turning a song he quite enjoyed on before quickly getting back Into position. 'There's a garden, where I go, if you meet me there no one will know~' the song began, Ruby and Oscar moving back and forth. from a spin to a swing, the two had gone from going slow to just being silly and having fun. "A garden huh?" Oscar remarked between spins. "Well I think it works pretty well- AHAHAHA HEY PUT ME DOWN THAT TICKLES!" Ruby laughed suddenly being held in the air by unusually confident farm boy. Setting Ruby down, the two continued to dance. "How so?" Oscar asked a smirk wide and apparent on his face. He wasn't sure why he was acting so strangly, but just for one night maybe he could continue being this oddly mischievous, charming boy under the moonlight dancing with a beautiful red angle. "Think about it, your last name is Pine and mine is Rose! Both have to do with nature. We're like....uh..." as Ruby rushed for words to complete her explanation, Oscar intervened with the first thing that came to his mind: "a rosegarden???". "EXACTLY!" The pair both laughed as Oscar  tilted Ruby down for the song's end. Panting for air, all the boy could do was stare into those hypnotic silver eyes of Ruby's. Every fibre of his being was telling him to lean closer; to bridge the gap between their suddenly surprisingly close faces, and fixated gaze. Oscar's heart pounded, what was he thinking? Ruby was a silver eyed warrior, an angel! All Oscar was just some weak, dirty, farm-hand only known for being another one of (the currently inactive) Ozpin's vessels. Compared to her, he was just trash. So why did Oscar so badly want to grip onto Ruby who he knew they shared no feelings for...right?  Ruby and Oscar were just friends, if you could even call them that, but from the moment he saw her, Oscar found himself drawn to the girl. Loosing any sense of reality, the two leaned in closer, ready to bridge the gap between their lips...before a loud gasp could be heard from the balcony door. Both Oscar and Ruby snapped from their daze's and turned towards the sound. The colour drained from Oscar's face as he realized Yang, Blake, and Jaune standing by the balcony door awestruck.  The two quickly untangled themselves from eachother's grasp before Ruby let out a flustered, almost panicked "HAHAHAHA THANKS FOR SHOWING ME HOW TO DANCE OSCAR!" and threw her arms around the air in a strangly adorable, but incredibly awkward way. Blake just stood their in silence,  well Yang said mockingly "what's this I see? A secret randevu with *LE GASP!* OSCAR PINE???" a bit too loud. "Hmm...I didn't expect you two to be a thing but I do see why you hid it..." Jaune continued on Yang's delusion. Both teens immediately argued in protest, faces flushed in a hue that even Pyrra's hair could not compare to. "WHAT NO I WAS JUST SHOWING RUBY HOW TO DANCE!" Oscar exclaimed trying to sort out the predicament he had placed himself and Ruby in. "Awe, that's it? And here I thought I'd be able to see the balcony scene in Ninga's Of Love unfold..." Blake's ears pointed downwards in clear disappointment before dragging the two blondes away from the balcony. A few seconds passed by in complete and utter awkward silence. "Haha....well I guess I second should head to bed..." the flustered Ruby said, starting to walk and blew a before Oscar quickly grabbed a hold of her hand. "Oscar..?" Ruby questioned, seemingly confused. Oscar's mind was in a whirl. Why had he grabbed her hand like an idiot? Sighing, the short farm boy had gone on his tip toes and for a split second heaven, connected his lips with hers. Time seemed to freeze as all the two could feel was the softness of eachother's lips before Oscar pulled away, not daring to make eye contact with the surprised Ruby Rose. "Uhm...goodnight..." was all Oscar managed to muster out, still feeling the ghost of Ruby's pale, gentle lips on his. "G-goodnight Oscar." Ruby replied back as Oscar quickly scurried away, making sure to not make any eye contact with her. As Ruby stood there under the billions of stars, too warm to feel cold from the chilling winter wind, she whispered a small 'thank you' before heading off to bed.

AHHH! How was it? Cringy right? You can laugh, please leave your opinion in the comment section! (Also if you have any ideas they would be much appreciated) BYEEEE!

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