From Garden to Sky (part 1)

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Sky. I like the sky. It's always changing, yet still somehow the same. On a cloudy day you can look up and just get lost in the clouds, imaging what it would feel like to drift through the sky with them; and on a day where there's none at all, you can enrapture yourself in the blue, just you and the clear blue sky. No pain, no fear, nothing. Just the calmness of the blue washing all emotions away. Suddenly, I heard a munching sound to my right snapping me out of my daze.

Looking down I noticed a small white and brown bunny munching on a carrot. Petting the tiny animal, my eyes wandered around taking note of my surroundings. Where on Earth was I? I noticed I was sitting on a lush green field, flowers of many colours spotting the ground. A little ways away from me was a small pond and on the opposite area was a single pine tree, small but gentil. Searching the ground, I noticed I was sitting on a bed of blood red rose petals. It sent a shiver down my spine like I was looking at something familiar, but comforted me in an odd way. As I was looking, the bunny nudged the palm of my hand as if trying to tell me something. "What is it?" I asked looking down at the bunny. It felt as though this was the first time I ever spoke, my soft voice just barely escaping my vocal chords. The small creature nodded and hopped towards the pond. "H-hey, wait up!" I stuttered out in surprise as I quickly got up, hurrying to catch up to it.

The bunny suddenly stopped, taking a moment to look at it's reflection through the crystal clear water which shimmered in the sunlight. I took a second to bask in the suns warmth before realizing that the bunny's reflection wasn't the same as the bunny. It apeared to be a faint ghost like silhouette half glowing a marble white colour, appearing pure and angelic, while the other a sickly green and black, seemingly tortured and lost like it couldn't figure out who it was. That's when it dawned upon me; I didn't know who I was. Panicked and unsure, I looked into the depths of the liquid looking for answers, only to come across something I couldn't understand. My reflection was twisted to have my silhouette in a grass green colour, but numerous different faces flashed back and forth through the reflection. Some round, some firm, light, dark, small, big, the only consistency seeming to be that they were all of pained young men. The flashes continued on quicker than before, until finally settling upon something that looked like a crossbreed between a younger version of my self crying and...someone else. my hair was white, and I had on a pair of emerald coloured glasses reminding me of someone all too familiar.

Who? Who were they? Who was I? WHERE was I? Why couldn't I understand or remember anything? Trying to uncover my hazy thoughts, I shut my eyes so tight I thought they would fuse together and slowly backed away from my own reflection, until I bumped into something. Quickly opening my eyes, I saw a hazy girl in red for a split second before realizing that there was only that tiny pine tree. It almost seemed to gently glow in the sun, as if calling to me. Reaching out my hand, I was about to touch a glittering pinecone hanging off of it until I heard a voice. '¥őû mü$ţ bŕīňģ țh€ £åmp ťø Ąțłàş'. My eyes widened. the voice was commanding and proper, like that of a strong but polite leader. My head ached in response only blurring what few memories I had a chance of deciphering further. "Why?" Was all I managed to choke out from the bundles of questions I had for the mysterious voice. There was no response. "Who are you? Why can't I see you?" I continued on through the silence. I could feel the voices presence slowly fading away. "No! COME BACK!" I screamed oddly panicked, looking around in fear of being alone....but it was too late.

The once warm air suddenly grew cold as I curled up and shivered, digging my face in my brown stitched up pants. The sky that was once clear and blue became dark and clouded as rain began to pour and thunder began to sound. The small bunny hopped to me in a panic, like it was calling for help before fading out of existence in one final squeak. The storm grew worse and poured down so heavily that it started collecting and filling up to my waist. In the distance I saw a hill and what appeared to be a farm. I tried to get to it, but the water reached far above my head and my consciousness started to fade. I was alone in a storm, about to drown and no one would remember me. I'd die and be forgotten like I never mattered. *please don't leave me alone*. *I don't want to die alone*. This is the end....I thought this was the end....but then a pair of arms rapped around me.

My eyes fluttered open to find myself not drowning in a storm alone, but in a bed surrounded by familiar faces and being choked in the arms of girl as red as a rose. "You're never alone Oscar!" The girl with an adorably high voice spoke, still squeezing me half to death."R-ruby?!?!" I stuttered out in a questioning manner. I could see the rest of my friends stare at me wide eyed as Ruby let go of me and leaped back in surprise. "You're awake?" Qrow asked staring at me in surprise. "AHHHH! Sorry! You see while we were looking after you, you started mumbling about being alone, and then you were screaming and crying and talking about how you were alone, and I ended up getting a bit to panicked and emotional, so I ended up grabbing you and hugging you to show that you weren't alone! what I'm trying to say is that I guess I got carried away..?" Ruby explained so fast that I could barely process the words coming out of her mouth. Everyone else chuckled. Crying? I brought my fingers to my cheek and realized it was wet. "Here." Ruby said moving closer to me with a tissue in hand to wipe my tears. She smiled so gently that I my brain momentarily ceased to work. When she removed the tissue from my face I ended up just staring at her wide eyed like an idiot and spit out the only thing my brain could process. "Huh?". Yup, it's official. I'm a certified idiot. "Ahem" Qrow coughed in order to get our attention.

We all turned towards Qrow, but he was staring me dead in the eye. "Sorry to interrupt your little 'reunion', but we got to get to Atlas now. Ain't that right Oz?" Qrow looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. I waited for Ozpin's reply as well, inorder to relay it to Qrow. I waited for a good couple seconds before realizing something was wrong. "...Oz?" I called out, not paying attention to the fact that I was speaking out loud. "is something wrong?" Jaune asked stepping forward a bit in concern. I mentally called for Ozpin again. Nothing. "I...I can't hear Oz!" I exclaimed in fear. I couldn't sense his presence either, which caused me to worry even more. "What do mean?" Qrow looked like he was about to drop his glass of what I could only assume was wine. "He's not saying anything, and I can't feel his presence!" I raised my voice a bit, clutching my head in confusion. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?!?" Nora yelled dramatically causing everyone including myself to feel more stressed out. What's going on? Oz? Where are you? I kept trying to talk with him, but to no avail. Immediately everyone burst into a jumble of conversations to try to figure out what was happening. I just sat there frozen, until I heard the greatest sentence of all time. "*hello Oscar*"

"Oz?" I asked as if I needed confirmation that he was really there. Everyone shut up at once. *yes it is I* he answered calmly. What happened? *I promise to explain, though it would be preferable if I could take control and explain to everyone as well.* I sighed. "Fine" I grudgingly agreed out loud causing anyone near the bed to step back, knowing what was coming. Closing my eyes I could already feel the control of my body fade away leaving me to be nothing but a whisper. "Hello everyone, I apologize if I caused you any distress." Ozpin's voice warping from a mix of his voice and mine, to mine alone. It didn't matter how many times it happened, hearing your voice coming from your body without actually speaking will ALWAYS be wierd. "Professor Ozpin?" Ren asked slowly. "You are correct, though I'm assuming you're all looking for answers." Ozpin answered calmly, but straight to the point as well. "Damn straight we are." Qrow replied taking a long sip from his glass. "Well......"


Haha wow it's been SO long since I've been on Wattpad, I feel kinda weird now that I'm in highschool. Because this is a 2 part oneshot, I promise to post the second part by the end of this week. If for any reason I don't post the second part, go ahead and insult me so I can feel like crap and post it asap. For those who actually enjoyed my little fic....thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2019 ⏰

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