Mornings and Overdose

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"Kaira. Kaira. Kaira."

What is that voice that completely ruined my beauty sleep?!


"NANEUN YEOMSOGA HAESSJANH SO! (I told you I'm not a goat!)" I shouted directly to the air.

Wait... The air? Then who was shouting my ridiculous nickname a while ago?

"Over here." I turned to the right and saw Kai.

"Breakfast?" I asked and he nodded, but then he grew red.

"Wae?" I asked and he pointed to my chest.

*look down*

"Uhm, Kai... Can you go out just for a minute?" I asked him and he immediately walked outside.

"Go to the kitchen when you're done!" He shouted as his footsteps grew more silent as he walked further.

Aish, how could I forget?! I'm wearing only my bra and shorts when there are twelve guys living here?! Aish...

So I just took a shower, put on new clothes, and went to the kitchen, as Kai had told me. There I saw Xiumin and D.O cooking and Kai helping out.

"Joh-eun achim." I said and they smiled at me. "Can I help?"

"Of course. Wake up everybody. If they don't, tell them Manager hyung will give them 3 more hours inside the studio." Lay said and I did what he said.

I first went to the nearest room. I quietly opened the door to see Chen hugging a pillow. I woke him up and he immediately looked for Xiumin...

Second room, I find Suho reading a book. He greeted me and then helped me with waking up the rest of the boys.

Third room, Tao and Kris are playing chopsticks. Then they saw us and asked if breakfast was ready. At the exact same time, D.O came to the room and said 'Bon appetit'

Fourth room was empty. Maybe this is D.O and Kai's room.

Fifth roo-


"Ah, arasso! Mianhae Kaira! Ne, Suho (hyung)" So they did it last night? How come I didn't hear them?

"Suho I'll just go to the next room." He said and I slowly turned around and ran to the room next to this one.

I saw Chanyeol and Baekhyun snoring loudly. I woke them up, but they fell asleep again. I tried Lay's trick, but that one didn't work. So I just took my phone and played Kai's shouting part in MAMA. I put in beside Chanyeol's ear and pressed play. Mwahahahaha!

"AH! AH AH AH! KAI HAJIMA!" Chanyeol shouted, which made Baekhyun wake up.

So I quickly dropped to the floor and made my body peach-colored metal. They didn't notice me, but Chanyeol stepped on my back.

"Aya!" I whisper-shouted. When I was sure that they were gone, I changed back to human form and patted my aching back. I picked up my phone and went back to the kitchen.

We just ate breakfast noisily after that rowdy moment.


"What if I get raped... Again?" I whispered behind Kai.

"It's fine, and by the way, our dance choreographer is your cousin." He said.

"Mwo?" I didn't believe him so I poked me head out from Kai's shoulder.

"AAAAAAH! SHA-SHA!" Yes, he is bakla. And the boys don't mind because he is the best dancer I've ever seen.

"Well, what are you here for? Oh! Are you the new member they're talking about?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Okay guys, you need to practice the dance now. Keisha, you watch them and I'll teach the steps later when they take a break. Arasso?" He said and we all answered.

So the music began. What surprised me is that Suho is on top of D.O with Kai and Chanyeol supporting them. The music starts with an 'Come in.' and some sound like clapping...? Well they did clap when that part came, so maybe it is a clapping sound. Then while clapping, Sehun dances to this... Kind of like... Hip hop dance? But it is impressive! Then uhm... When the voice started singing, Baekhyun sang and the diamond formation split. Then he points to the ground where D.O and the rest of the guys did their part. Then another formation and Suho sang. Oh and I liked how they did the heart! Sho pwetty! Then Baekhyun sang again and the members ran forward to the camera. (Yes, this is the leaked dance version.) And then D.O sings while the others are playing jump rope... Right? And then Baekhyun's part again. Then the chorus has a very nice beat to it. And there was like the banging on the head and then Sehun slides out then EXO-M starts their part. Chen sings while the members do like a robot thingamajiggy being controlled. Then near the end, he throws a lightning ball and Lay catches it then throws it up the broken light on top of him. COOL! Then he sings and when he was done, Xiumin does his part. The dance in there was kinda similar to the first one. And then Luhan sings while doing some mechanist-fixing-robot thing dance and then the same dance as before, then the chorus but they were facing different directions this time. And then almost at the end, Tao and Kai do something like poking their cheeks... Wut? Then the members form like an entrance while clapping and Suho walks to the camera, then another formation while D.O sings, then another when Suho sings again, then they do the banging on the head after Baekhyun's part. While the others are banging on their heads, D.O sings and then after that, Baekhyun does the high note. Then Sehun does 'EXO' hand sign and Chanyeol starts to rap. Then Sehun, then Kai, then the revised chorus, and at the 'Too much, neoya, your love, igeon overdose!' part, they do a cool waving/swaying dance and then at the end, Tao does a martial art stunt. And WOW! Dave oppa must have spent a million years thinking of that dance.

Well that was how I explain the dance, aka their comeback, aka my debut song.


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