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~ tomorrow is Corbyn Matthew Besson's birthday. He's turning 20.

~ mom said to be happy, but what's the point of being happy if you're going to die sometime in your life?

~ is it worth worrying about someone who doesn't do the same back?

~ i worked on Corbyn's birthday edit 1 week prior because i care.

~ i hope he feels the same.

~ i wish conflict was never a thing.

~ one touch and I break. One.

~ almost everyone I met have seen the soft and weak side of me.

~ updating later..


~ "I can't tie my shoes tight because they'll get tangled." said my stepsister.

~ "Well you're supposed to tie it right if you want to buy shoes that will fit you and not hurt your feet!" I snapped.

~ wasting money is my biggest pet peeve. She wastes money. I don't like it.

~ we bought her really nice shoes one day and in a month she'll complain that it hurts her feet or it's too small.

~ if only she had a brain to let her know to tie her shoes and take care of her shoes by not leaving it in the sun, all muddy.

~ going with our grandpa is another story.

~ grandpa doesn't have any money, his choice of buying things are very limited.

~ she asks for stupid things when we go run errands with grandpa. Grandpa doesn't know how to say 'no' to her. In about 5 minutes, she loses the piece of shit under the car seat or forgets it somewhere. There goes grandpa's 10 dollars.

~ i tell myself it's not my business but I just can't help but care.

~ sometimes I care too much and end up hurting myself.

{was it worth getting angry over that? overall, I do have anger issues.}


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