( yumeiro patissiere ) : (blue one) BlueBell & (pink one)Rose

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Names:(blue one) BlueBell & (pink one)Rose

Human Patissiere: Amano Hayami

Jobs: Royal court patissiere/ third & fourth princess of the Sweets Kingdom

Family: Mother,the Queen oF the Sweets Kingdom, Big Sisters,Stripes & Arora

Specializes : everything made with blue bells

Specializes Rose : everything made with Roses

personalities: (the Same) The Baby Type, lolita, does not have seance of direction, respectful

Fairy who takes Care of them: Libra (sometime Chocolat)

BFF Rose : BlueBell, Caramel,Blue,Libra,Stripes,Arora,Wolfie

BFF BlueBell: Rose, Caramel,Blue,Libra,Stripes,Arora,Wolfie

crush:(both of them) none

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