Part I-- The Purge

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Written for starwarsfans' 2018-19 Kessel Run Smackdown


It had been a trap. But one expertly hidden, and laid out so that despite my uneasiness we'd have had no real choice anyway. The word had come about an assassination plot against Queen Padme Amidala, one on the verge of being carried out and so requiring immediate response. We'd scoped out the assassins' hideout, intent on catching them before they left for Naboo. We planned a way in, a method of attack, a means of capture, and an escape plan.

Everything seemed to be going well, until we found them. It was a team of six assassins, and we caught two apparently in the midst of planning the hit. But in reality they and their team were planning our demise.

In the end, only I and three clones, going by the names of Dive, Clip, and Racer, had escaped.

I ordered us to take several days off, time to rest and recover-- and to grieve. Unlike some, we'd been a close-knit group. I'd known I would be faced with censure when we did return, but being able to feel my friends' despair and sorrow I couldn't bring myself to drag them back so soon just to be thrown into another fight.

It was on the second day that the Purge began. For a split second I thought Dive had snapped, blaming me for the deaths of his squad and attempting to avenge them. But as I began to feel the Jedi fall across the galaxy I knew it was something far bigger than that.

I defended myself, trying to stall long enough in the hopes that I could help them. No avail. Something had convinced them I was an enemy, some irresistible compulsion that I could feel they wouldn't be able to fight.

When I had a moment's breathing space I tried to use a mind trick on Racer. He was no fool: it wouldn't normally work but I'd hoped that in the state he was in it might have some effect. All I achieved, however, was giving him an opening. His weapon cut into my leg, sending me to the ground. The only defense from his next strike was a killing blow.

As Racer died I felt it; the small part of him that was still himself giving off a sense of relief-- and sending me forgiveness.

There were tears running down my cheeks as I summoned my resolve, my commitment to not have to harm them and used the Force to hold Dive and Clip in place. Then I struggled to my feet and ran.

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