Mask x Anxious! Gamer! Reader

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I forgot to mention the rules my bad 🤗!
-No Lemons 🍋


That's about it...


(F/D) - Favorite Drink
(P/W) - Preferred Weapon
You were in Inkopolis Square walking up to The Shoal to check if there were any new games yet.

Games were your best friend since you didn't really have friends or any relation ships with anyone else because you were so socially awkward. I didn't like approaching people and because of this people didn't seem fond of approaching me either.

I was a pretty perky and happy person if I was close enough to some one to trust them to see my talkative side. Looking around with no luck, I decided to go to my favorite game (it's the only one you can actually play in the game I don't know the name let's just call it Dance Bop) Dance Bop.

A few minutes later~

By the time you were done you had gotten a perfect score. On the hardest level too! I ya finally beaten the top score who's name was... '-/& . Turning around, the only thing you saw were inklings surrounding you.

"That was amazing!" One called out.

"I've never seen anyone play that well!" Another shouted.

"I-I- Uh.... thanks!" You shouted loud enough for them to hear nearly fainting from all the attention. Squeezing your way out through the crowd you could barely breath as you felt the eyes of other inklings on you.

Once you were out though they quickly dispersed, a few stayed to try and top your perfect score though. With my throat still constricted making it hard to breath from all those people I went to the crust bucket and got a (F/D) to calm your nerves.

Sitting down I pulled out my ear buds to put on some music to prevent a panic attack from forming as I was still very dizzy. Stupid anxiety.

Once I finished my drink I had calmed down enough to finally play turf war. I ran up with my (P/W) and jumped into the Decca tower. When I met up with my temporary team, we all said our hellos and walked out to the stage where were were battling.

-Morray Towers-

As we waited for the next team on our side of the map we had a few little chats here and there until they walked out. And by they I mean Mask and his cyan team. Mask of the S4! MASKWHATTHEHECCWHYAREYOUHERE!?!?

I have been a fan of Mask for a while and never thought that I would have the honor of battling him! I was screaming in my head as my whole team gasped to see who we were battling. He was liek an S+ in turf wars while I am only an A!

"Alright guys," One of my teammates spoke up. My adrenaline had got the best of me and we hadn't even started yet,"let's do our best! If we don't win it's okay! He's a pro at this but if we have hope, we have a chance!" The inkling was trying to help raise our hopes and give us strength.

"W-w-Why?! I-I don't t-think-" I started but I couldn't finish.


Running out to the center I began to frantically ink the turf before the cyan team could get there. I was able to get about half of it before they showed up and splated my WHOLE TEAM. Except me.


I was cut out of my thoughts as I dove to hide in my ink. I made it right before Mask came running by nearly running me over.

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