Emporer x Reader! Part 1 (Old)

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Sorry this took so long to come out 😬. It's exam week so I haven't had any time to work on my stories!
If you have anything you want me to write, requests are open!
Thank you @squideko for requesting this!
(F/W) favorite weapon
(S/F/W) second favorite weapon
It was another day in Inkopolis Square and you were chillin' at the Crust Bucket, doing what you like to call 'Inkling Watching'. The name explains itself.

You do this every morning while you wait for your team mates to show up for some more turf war. It can get boring sometimes cause your usually one of the first inklings to show up in the square. But you forgot one thing that morning...

"The kings tournament!" You shouted in realization, looking at all the decorations they put up for this special event.

"How could I forget!" You mumbled, "I don't even have the gold to buy the weapon yet!"
You see, you were saving up to buy a new and improved, (f/w) to use in the King's tournament. But you didn't realize how quick this event snuck up on you.

"Ugh... I'll have to wait till next year now..." I put my head on the table groaning.

"Wait for what?" I recognize that voice- I didn't have time to sit up before and ice cube was dropped down into my (shirt/jacket/sweatshirt).

"AAAHHHHH! COLD!" I jumped up and danced around trying to get the cube out, "Kensa!!! What in the world!!" I jumped on Kensa and wrestled him to the ground.

"Arg! (Y/N)! This is what you do because of an ice cube?!" Kensa laughed.

"Uh. Yes actually!" I had my arm around his neck.

"Okay okay... calm down you two," Dualie said, "we have to get ready for the King's tournament!"

"We have to fight the king this year!" Fizz cheered. Letting go of Kensa, I stood up straight and sighed...

"I don't know if we can get that far this year... I don't even have the gold to buy the weapon I've been eyeing... some one else is going to get it before me. There going to be so many inklings here!" I rubbed my temples.

"It's not the weapon that will get us to the top (y/n). It's the skill. And your doing great with that (s/f/w) of yours!" Kensa patted my back.
"Thanks. Now... who's ready to win then!" I shot my fist up into the air.

"We are!" Every one of us yelled.

"Come on! Let's go practice on the kings favorite stage!" I laughed, "so when we face him we're ready." I smiled giving my team a determined look.

———time skip to the tournament———

As we finished practicing we raced up to the sign up booth. Thankfully not many people were here yet so the wait to sign up line was pretty short. Once signed in, we went back to the crust bucket and sat down.

"Would anyone want anything to eat before the lines get really long here?" I asked a few minutes later.

"Yes!" They all yelled together.
After I got their orders I ran up to the crust bucket and slapped down the tickets in front of Crusty Sean giving him my orders.

While waiting I was thrown back in surprise as an inkling came crashing down on the truck.
"WOAH!" I yelled in complete shock. Running back to my team, I could see they all as well had shocked faces.

"(Y/N) are you OK?!" Kensa hugged me.

"You were almost crushed!" Fizz jumped.

"Guys calm down! She's fine, right?" Dualie looked at me.

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