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Every contest/game has rules. We have to accept them, and those breaking a rule will get a strike. We get it, they are boring and you will get the tendency to break them, but please, for the sake of this game and its participants, don't.

☕ As much as we appreciate other languages, your stories must be in English, as we don't read any other language on Wattpad.

☕ You MUST follow your judges/admins (NDeMeer and _born_sarcastic__) and this account so you can receive notifications and updates about the weekly prompt or activity. Also, this is all we ask from you for judging the entire contest.

☕ You must add this book to your library, to receive notifications and updates about the weekly prompt or activity.

☕ There will be fun activities every two weeks, and you have the choice of participating in those activities. These are only to break the tension in between the weekly prompts - so no one is forcing you to enter.

☕ You must have a separate book for this, just so we could know where your story will be. If not, please tag us or mention where you will be posting the story. (There are some who post some stories in one book, and some in another, which will make it difficult.) After the contest, you are of course free to move your short stories to wherever you like.

☕ You must submit a story within the limit of 500-1500 words. Else, you will receive a strike.

☕ You must submit a story every week. If you fail to do so, you will get a strike.

☕ If you get three strikes, you will be eliminated.

☕ BE ACTIVE. By filling out the form, you are signing up to writing a short story every week. This takes time and commitment. Makes sure you have both. It would be a real shame to have drop-outs along the way. (We understand that life gets in the way sometimes. This is what the strike system is there for.)

☕ If you are dropping out, you must state your reasons for doing so in PM. (It's not appreciated; we will be putting you in our blacklist because if you apply for anything else, you will not be accepted unless you have a valid reason.)

☕ No bullying. If we find you disrespecting or badmouthing a fellow contestant, you will get three strikes immediately and will be disqualified.

☕ Last of all, have fun!

We hope that you have read the rules and will adhere to them during the course of the contest.

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