Gay Marriage Rights

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Let's start with one of the hottest topics in politics today: gay marriage. Republicans advocate against gay marriage being legal, and Democrats are for it. Personally, I am for gay marriage being legal. But I do have different reasons as to why I am okay with it.

Being a young Christian girl, I have been brought up to believe that being gay or lesbian was wrong. Now, I'm still trying to figure out what I believe the Bible is saying about gay marriage. You never know if something was messed up in the translation from when the Bible was first written. I don't know. I don't necessarily agree with the statement that being gay is okay, but I can't necessarily say that it is wrong either, especially since I have struggled with lesbian feelings myself (that's a long story, I went through some shit, and now I am confirmed straight). So I can't really say whether or not I would be for or against gay marriage if my views only depended on whether it was right or wrong.

However, my views don't depend solely on whether it is right or wrong. Here is the main reason I say that gay marriage should be legal, and it has nothing to do with gay marriage. In my mind, if I say that people should be allowed to be discriminated against solely because they are gay, that's like saying that I can be discriminated against solely because I am a woman. And I can't be okay with that. It all comes down to the 14th amendment. The Equal Protection Clause. No man (or woman) should be discriminated against due to race, gender, etc. If I allowed gay people to be discriminated against, then that would be saying that it's okay for anyone to be discriminatory towards other people for their race, gender, or other things. And personally, I am not okay with that. It would take us backwards. I will sit back and let people tell me I can't do things because I am a woman. Which is why I also can't let people tell others that they can't do things because they are gay, bisexual, asexual, etc.

I hope I made sense in what I was trying to say. You don't have to agree with me, but I just ask that if you are going to disagree with me, please do so respectfully. I will respect your opinions as long as you respect mine. Please do not try to start an argument with me. I will delete your comment and block you if you try to be negative with me or anyone else in the comment section. Other political opinions and discussions are welcome, but arguments and negativity are not. Thanks! :)


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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