-Sleepless Nights-

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A melancholic dream of sadness

I found you;

silently crying inside a valance.

but, is it really you?

I was scared, but I loved you.

Dissociative identity disorder was it called?

constantly wondering what trauma you faced.

My heart still wished for serendipity;

And I was scared, but I still loved you.

I was just gone for a few minutes

and when I came back

I saw you change

to a person whom I didn't know.

You were always there by my side

holding my hand when I panicked

Listening sincerely to my problems

touching my soul in my time of need.

But as I found you again

I wondered

how did such a beautiful person

turn into such a mess?

Why can't I do anything?

Why did you experience such misery?

Why can't you recognize me?

—I was scared, but I still love you.

I felt special when you prominently cared about me

I still continue to reminisce such memories

When you and I are still ecstatic;

When your smile deeply resonated within my heart.

Yes I admit it,

You were such a mess

and I was scared;

But I still loved you.

After some time someone asked me-

Did you love her?

I said no, I didn't love you;

because until now,

I still love you.


I Was Scared, But I Still Loved You.Where stories live. Discover now