20 - Rylyn

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Requested by roadieforever_rylyn

*Rye's POV*

Brook was being very annoying today, only to me though. I was getting sick of it and it was only 10am. He walked into my room again and started babbling on about how is phone charger broke and if he could borrow one of mine. Because of his annoyance, I said no. He then started pleading and going on about how his phone is only on 3%. Then I snapped.

"WHAT! DON'T! YOU! UNDERSTAND! ABOUT! NO! YOU'VE BEEN SO DAMN ANNOYING TODAY. LEAVE. ME. ALONE!" I shouted aggressively at him. Then I realised my mistake.

"Wait Brook I-" I tried apologising but he cut me off.

"Save it. Thanks for nothing." He said sadly as he walked out the room and probably into Andy's.

I fucked up badly

I lay on my bed thinking of what to do for about 5 minutes when Andy comes storming in.

"You only ever think about yourself, you never think about others. You know how Brook can be but that doesn't give you the right to shout at him. The only reason he was being annoying is because you never give him attention, if he asks something you'll be ignoring him because you're a little bitch, now you're gonna go into my room and apologise to Brook this instance!" He spilled out, I didn't hesitate to go quickly to Andy's room and look at Brook. He looked so broken; red cheeks and bloodshot eyes. All because of me.

I lay next to him and wrapped my arms around him while whispering apologies into his head. When I stopped, he turned to face me and looked right into my eyes.

"I only wanted attention from you because I like you, a lot." He blurts.

"I like you a lot too, I'm sorry for not acting like I should of." I reply and with that, he captured my lips in a kiss. We kissed for a few seconds before pulling away.

"I love you Brook. Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask.

"Of course I will, I love you." He replies happily.

"Now that you're dating can you leave my room?" Andy asks as he bursts in. We giggle and leave then head to Brook's room to cuddle.

[A/N]: Tell me what you think.
Requests will be taken.

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