The Three Little Wolves

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Once upon a time there were three little wolves. They were nice wolves, sticking to the woods and avoiding the humans with guns. But one day, war broke out between the bears and foxes, each claiming that their gods said this was their forest and part of their lands since ancient times. The wolves were forced to seek their fortunes in the wide world.

The three wolf brothers parted at a crossroads and went three separate ways. The first wolf walked along the road and met a farmer, who needed help with his cattle.

"Oh wolf!" He said, "go away!"

"Why?" He asked.

"You have come to steal my cattle!"

"I have not, I have lost my home and am seeking my fortune in the wide world!" The farmer asked if he would help him guard his cattle and fend off the other worlves. He agreed, and also to tell the farmer all of the wolves secrets.

The second wolf came across a giant, who thought that he was a puppy. He was quite besotted with him and took him back to his castle in the sky.

The third wolf ran into a guy named Nick carrying sticks in the road. "Let me help you," he said.

"May my father bless you good wolf, where do you come from?"

"The forest, the bears and foxes are fighting, my brothers and I lost our home."

"That is sad, are you looking for work?"

"I am, all I want in wages are food and shelter."

"That is all you will have? Follow me!" So the wolf followed Nick home. It was a tiny, humble, home, but there was plenty of work to do. The wolf was very happy to have a roof over his head and food in his belly.

One day while he was guarding the fields there was a great commotion. A giant wild boar came running towards him, "where is she?" He asked, "where is my wife?"

"I do not know, who is your wife?" Asked the wolf.

"Acinuta, the devil's daughter, I won her fair and square!"

"She is not here, there are no women here."

"If you see her, tell me, the Boar King will not be denied his bride." And then he stormed off.

When the wolf asked his master he sighed and said, "it is time you knew the truth." Nick opened up a trunk, which had stairs at the bottom. Which led to a beautiful palace with gardens.

"Brother is that you?"

"Yes sister."

"My husband, was he here?"

"Yes, and I have hired someone to protect you." Out came Acinuta.

"I do not want to go back to him, he is a horrible man!"

"Fear not, I will protect you," said the wolf. "Why do both of you look human?"

"It's a long story," said Nick. So the wolf looked after the farm and Acinuta, making sur that no pigs or wild boars came for her. Staying up late talking to her, exploring her garden, talking, Acinuta did not know what she would do without him.

One day Nick asked the wolf, "do you love my sister?"

"Yes, but she is married to the Boar King."

"Work for me for a year and a day, then you may have her."

The wolf was overjoyed, and worked harder than he ever had before. Acinuta was delighted with the news and since her father was the devil and in details it would all work out somehow.

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