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Name: Ella Myers
Birthday: August 20th
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Looks: Ella has light blue hair and deep hazel eyes.
Height: 5'0
Ethnicity: Half Russian and half Canadian.
Body type: She has a very curvy figure an above average bust size and a stomach which is a little chubby.
Species: Neko.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Personality: Ella is a shy but stubborn girl, she is very sweet and caring and fusses over people a little too much.
Likes: Cake specifically cheesecake, prefers hot chocolate over tea and coffee. Playing the guitar and singing along to it. Video games because video games. Sleeping. Spicy chicken.
Dislikes: Tomatoes (She hates them.) Dogs and tuna.
Fears: Ella has a rather bad fear of Dogs, whenever she sees one she normally hisses and runs off. Another one of her fears is planes, when hearing one fly by she shivers until it goes away.
Position: Sub
T-ons: Bondage, chains, vanilla, cosplay, fingering and being teased.
T-offs: Torture, forced sex, whips.

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