Lilith (batim)

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Name: Lilith (Lily) Kaye
Voice actress: Nariya Ashton
Gender: Female
Toon or human: Toon cat
Height: 5'0
Age: Appears to look 17
Looks: Lilith has slightly tanned skin with dark golden eyes. A few scars are on the left side of her face mostly from fights with searchers. She posses black cat ear and a slightly bushy tail. Lilith always has her hair in a side braid, but when out it stops just above her shoulders, it is slightly wavy and very untamed.
Her figure is a little curvy, she has an above average bust. Her clothing consists of a white blouse with a black ribbon near the neck, for the bottom half of her body she wears a black flared out skirt and black stocking which are just about her knees. She has suspenders to keep her skirt in place. She wears dark grey combat boots to finish her outfit off.
Personality: She is fairly stubborn when it comes to most things, she doesn't really talk much she will only speak if needed. She takes time to trust someone (I'm talking like days or weeks) She will not listen to most things, this causes her to be fairly reckless at times. She never backs down from a fight shall someone stop her she'll regret it for a while until she has the chance to fight whoever it was she was fighting again. Deep down she's a big old softie, she just acts tough, she thinks that if she shows her true emotions that she'll look weak amd vulnerable to others.
Likes: Food, singing, telling fairly cringy jokes with good friends. Walking around the studio when bored as she doesn't know what to do with herself.
Dislikes: Cockroaches she hates the things if she sees one she'll get onto something higher like a box or something and scream til it's either dead or gone far away from her. She dislikes people following her around all the time.
Backstory: (Uhh...It's a work in progress... I haven't really thought of anything yet, I'll make something up as I go along.)
Other: Lilith carries around a switch blade to defend herself shall she run in to any searchers or any other type of enemy.
Secrets: Is easily flustered when someone flirts with her.

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