Titanic 3

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Well, let's skip through all of that, and go to a conspiracy moment. This is for those people that have enough time.

   It is said that since the Titanic during construction had 14 portholes and when it left for New York, it had 18. They believe that the Titanic did have 14 and the.....OLYMPIC had 18. I know crazy. So continuing they thought the Olymic sank and then the Titanic sank in the war as "Old Reliable" which was sank by the Russians or Germans. But this is extremely important, before the Titanic set off  many 1st class passengers were said to know about it, due to the fact that some said they were sick, some said they didn't want to go, and many others said it was going somewhere they didn't want to go (might have ment Heaven, or Hell) I learned this watching a YouTube video. He said Titanic and had to watch. But now, do you think of this, the Titanic as a hoax.

Just had to tell you all it was lengering in my mind.

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