|| C H A P T E R 12 ||

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"My beautiful Daughter Riri, I will give you the right to kill Ms. Knowles..."

"Wait what?! Are you going to kill me Riri just because your asshole father tell you that!" Beyoncé was trying to lose the rope that's wrap in her wrist

"I don't have a choice but to kill you Bey" Rihanna point the gun directly to Beyoncé's chest.

"No!No! please Riri don't do t-this" Beyonce was already crying, She felt defeated and lost for this battle.

"Any last word Ms. Knowles?" Mr. Fenty said holding his tobacco.

Beyoncé looked around and saw Solange crying and same with Shawn.

Beyoncé just nodded to both of them and they nod back.

Beyoncé release a deep sigh before answering his question.

"D-did you ever love me Riri?" Rihanna's eyes got wider and didn't know what to say.

"Answer me!"


"I didn't love you" Just like that Rihanna pulled the trigger.



"Do you think it's destiny?" Beyoncé was talking to lil Robyn while waiting for his father who go to comfort room

"Mhmmm Destiny? Only fool who believe in that" Robyn was trying not to laugh by Beyoncé reaction

"Hey i'm not a fool!"

"I don't believe in destiny you know" Robyn continue licking her strawberry ice cream.

"Why not?"

"Because if you keep waiting for something and didn't do nothing about it, you're not going to get it. My mom said I should work on things I want. I shouldn't depend on destiny. If we all depends on destiny then it's so hard meeting your the one." Robyn notice Beyoncé has ice cream on of her nose.

"Come here near me" Robyn pat the sit next to her.

"What it is?" Bey sit beside Robyn.

Robyn get her handkerchief and wipe those mess in Bey's nose.

"There you are, You looked like a Queen now"

"Even I don't have a crown?"

"You don't need a crown to be a Queen yah know" Robyn finish her ice cream

"But how bout needing a King? I need a King to rule a kingdom with me or a Queen" Beyoncé finish her ice cream too.

Robyn think a second before answering bey's question.

"Me! I can be your Queen!"

"Really?! Oh wow, It's such a great honor to be your Queen your highness" Beyoncé bow to Robyn

"Omg you're so annoying stop that" The both girls laughed non stop and continue talking and laughing...


"Yesss??" Robyn and Beyoncé was now walking in Toy store section holding hands.

"After this day are you going to remember me?"

"Of course! I couldn't forget meeting someone in my age who can make your eyes heart shape" Beyoncé giggle

"You're so poetic you know, I feel like you're going to be a great writer in the future. You like to describe things a lot"

"You know what's more great?" Beyoncé stopped to her track


"Meeting you, I never had so many friends coz they always bully me having these weird ears and i used to be alone all the time" Robyn can't help but to smile, Beyoncé rubbing her arm amd blushing.

"I promise, I will always be your best friend even more than that if you want too" Robyn open her arms offering a hug.

Beyoncé attack Robyn with a hug.

"Okay girls it's time to go home and we still need to find your parents Robyn"


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