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(Kelly's Pov)

She really thinks that she can get rid of me? Well well Ms. Fenty better get ready for my revenge after what she did to me.

"Ma'am We can finally remove the bandage around your face." It's my Doctor

They conducted surgery to me a couple of days ago.

"Go on I'm excited to see my new face"

They slowly peeling off the bandage around my face.


"You think you can get rid of me Riri? Beyoncé will going to know sooner or later that you the one who keep threatening their family! And now your ass planning to kidnapped her sister Sol!"

I go to the Fenty's Mansion after she knows her and Bey was both my gf.

"You bettet shut your mouth Kelly" Rihanna was high because of cocaine.

I know that because I'm the one who giving her this shit.

"Or else what Riri?!" Just blink of eye. Robyn's hands was gripping my neck

"Or else your trip to hell is gonna be sooner if your dont shut up" She was pointing the loaded gun under my chin.

"I-i'm sorry, I'm gonna shut my mouth now"

"Good girl"

I need to get away from here.

"Anyway I'm gonna go now Riri, I still have dick appointment" I get my bag and turn around

I already start walking away when I felt metal strike my back.

My body hit the floor so fast, it hurts like shit.

"Where do you think your going Kelly?"

I can't get up because of the pain in my back.

Rihanna walk slowly spinning the knife in her hand.

"I feel like you're going to be my problem Kelly, so I don't have a choice but to do this" She sit near me and start to draw lines in my faces that coz blood to leak.

"Oh look at you Kels, You looked so beautiful"


Rihanna release an Evil laugh. She's like her father now. Like father like daughter

"Boys!" Rihanna calls her men.

"Beat her up till she died"


I grip the handle of mirror till it got broke.

"Shit Maam you bleeding" I don't care. I want Rihanna to pay everything.

For the whole 5 years, I focus on bring back my physical energy and heal everything emotionally and mentally.

I was in coma for 2 years after her men rape me and beat me up and dump me in river after.

I'm glad some fisherman saw my body floating and helped me.

He treat me like his own daughter. My father never treat me like that because he was not my real father. I was already born before he and my mother meet up.

Mr. Kim the fisherman who helped me and watch me for the whole 5 years.

I woke up after being coma in 2 years. I cry everything in his arm. He listen to me and he's the one who support me in changing my face and name.

From now on I am Janet

Janet Jackson


*after couple of months*

"Cell no. 5679! You finally free"

"Who's the one who free me" Ronald Fenty was wondering who pay and work for everything.

"Hi Mr.Fenty!"

"Oh Josh! Long time no see, why you wearing black and white suit?" Fenty was still confused

"I'm here to get you. You going to meet at the new mansion the person who free you"

"Oh right, Is it my daughter? or my ex wife?"

"None of the above, Let's go" Josh gave him a pair of new clothes he need to change before they go out

"What's her name?"

"Ms.Janet, Janet Jackson"


[The end]

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