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Post: Found this while going through albums

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Post: Found this while going through albums. Thought it was nice.


Liz_fromthe_dead: That's an ok picture.

Lucy_Heart: Are you hating on me. It was just a pic.

DragneelN: Why are you putting us so low Luce?

Lucy_Heart: I'm not. (Lucy Kick)

DragneelN: (OWWWWW)

IceyColdBoy: XD. Nice one Lucy

DragneelN: Hey. Shut it Ice pric

IceyColdBoy: No you shut it fire breath.

GrayLover4ever: (silently cheering on gray-sama on the sidelines.)

CakeEatingLover: Stop it you two, or else I will hunt you two down.

Lucy_Heart: Why is this all happening on my account. Go to someone else's account.

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