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Book Name: Nemesis

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Book Name: Nemesis

Author: Brendan Reichs

Book Name: Eliza And Her Monsters

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Book Name: Eliza And Her Monsters

Author: Francesca Zappia

Post: I just read two really good books. You should go out and read both of the books. What I can tell you is that Eliza and her monsters makes you go on an emotional joyride. After U picked the book up I could not put it down. Even Levy kept on telling me  that I need to take a bit of a brake. Now for Nemesis, there are so many good things with that book. I can't even explain it. Buy and read them.


Bookworm_Mcgarden: I totally want to read them

DragneelN: I don't know what any of that says

Ruler-of-fish: You are so dumb

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