chapter 5// sex

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As Matty continues up the stairs, he slows when he realizes I notice him following me. He stops right in front of me, breath heavy from his pursuit, and extends his hand out towards my own, a disc case in his grasp.

A puzzled look plays across my face as I examine the scribbled writing across the front.

"Umm..." he stammers, "George and I are in a band. We've played a few shitty gigs".

He looks down and runs his hand through his hair. I look at the disc again and finally identify the title to read 'Sex'.

I look up at him and his cheeks are red. His eyes dodge from my gaze and he fiddles with his keys, waiting for my response.

Is Matty nervous? I would have never imagined him to be the type. Last night, my impression was undeniable confidence, or perhaps was it arrogance?

Besides, I think I like this side of Matty. Within the last 12 hours of knowing him I have seen his witty sarcasm, wicked intellectuality, and alluring charm. Although the surprisingly timid man in front of me may strongly contrast the confidence I witnessed last night as he stuck a note on my chest without hesitation, his sudden vulnerability captivates me nonetheless.

He shoves his hands deep in his pockets as his eyes slowly lift to meet mine again. I nod my head for him to continue as I give him a soft smile.

"This is our EP. It's called Sex and I know exactly what you're thinking. Well fucking-aye. This perve sees me in my knickers once, and by accident may I add, and he's giving me this record about fucking. I swear it's not like that" he breathes. His hand goes back to his hair as he continues.

"I've written a lot of songs, Elle. This record is probably the least shitty of them all and so I thought maybe you'd like to hear them?"

I can't contain my giddiness and I smile, clutching the disc toward my chest.

"Yeah, I do want to hear it! I will go listen to it now. Thank you, Matty".

A smirk plays his lips and his nerves noticeably subside. The cool confidence from last night returns as he twirls his key ring again on his finger.

"Okay, cool. I will see you around Elle", he says casually as he turns on his heel and down the stairs.

I stand there, jaw agape, as he drives off without another word. My head spins with questions and I am left confused as ever.

Who the hell is this boy and why can't I seem to figure him out?

I am drawn out of my thoughts as I am reminded I have to check into my room and make my way over to orientation before noon.

I pick up my bags, Matty's disc still clutched in my hand, and head into the stone building in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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