Absoutely Not Achromatic

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I hated the bus, im an outsider. "It's prime bullying time boys!"

I'd get on the crowded four-wheeled hell train and instantly feel a wave of dread. I could hear them laughing now.

"Look at little Ms. Rebel!" "She wants to take over the country!" "Rebel! Rebel!"

I hated it. All I wanted was for people to be happy, to have freedom. That's what America used to be all about, or at least that's what I read in the books that were in the secret library storage.

And plus, how was anything gonna change if I kept my view secret?

All I wanted was people to be happy.

Eventually we reached my stop, right in front of The Home for Achromatic girls of all ages!

In no way, shape, or form was I Achromatic, I rather see myself as vibrantly patriotic for my beliefs.

You can see now why everyone seems to hate me.

I sprinted up the steps to my room, threw my bag on my bed and rushed to the bathroom.

I had about two hours of daylight left, plenty of time to be in the only place I loved, the woods.

I made my way through the thick bushes and fallen trees. It was so beautiful, the sun glinting, flickering in and out between the tall pines. Who wouldn't want to be here?

I kept walking, humming a tune I couldn't name. I felt so at peace.

A right, a left, a right, and one more, this was the way home. But I felt different, I felt as if I didn't turn back I'd be better off. So I didn't make any turns and kept moving forward.

I passed some rubble from an old home, some animal dens, a farm, and then I couldn't pass any else, because I had met a fence.

"What the...?" I mumbled to myself.

I followed it down, down, further and further but It seemed like it never ended.

I tried peeking through the cracks but nothing...

It was almost dark so I decided I could visit later, and I turned around and went home.

I had a pit in my stomach all night.

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