Birthday girl

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*A couple of days later* Cameron's POV

C: I was thinking about her, and it's her birthday tomorrow

T: And?

C: I want to have a surprise party, but we're not inviting Nash.

Taylor looks at Cameron with a judge mental look

T: Are you sure you want to do this?

C: Yes, I was thinking about getting together with her again. I love her.

T: Well, I'm going to inform the guys then! We'll be meeting up at her house tomorrow then?

C: Yes, but someone needs to keep her with company

T: I can do it!

C: Perfect

*Your POV*

*beep, beep, beep*

U: Hello?

T: Hi it's Taylor!

U: Oh hi Taylor! Why are you calling?

T: I was just wondering if you have any plans tomorrow around 15 pm?

U: Yeah actually!

T: oh, okay...bye

*Cameron's POV*

C: So what did she say?

T: She already had plans...

C: I still have the keys to her house. We can still make it work!

T: Okay, I will invite all of the boys

*The next day* Your POV

You are meeting Nash at a restaurant


He gives you a hug, and you sit down at your table until you're done eating

N: where should we go?

U: we can go to my place!

You and Nash are staring into each other, you lean toward him, and his soft tongue is touching yours. You are making out while opening the door, when suddenly

Everyone: SURPRISE

You stared at Cameron. He got upset, and ran away

U: WAIT Cameron

C: I'm sorry I broke up with you...I want you back

U: I'm sorry Cam, but I'm dating Nash

Cameron had tears running down from his eyes. You had never seen him this hurt before. You gave Cameron a hug, then a kiss on his cheek. Cameron holds your hands.

C: I love you y/n

U: Which you probably have told a thousand of other girls in the world

C: Actually I have only told my mom, and my sister...

I could almost not resist him. I wanted to kiss him badly, but I managed to keep it cool

U: That's very sweet of you Cam. We can still be friends

C: Well, that's better than nothing *He kisses your cheek

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