Chapter 1

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Blizzardfoot opened her eyes to her camp. It was dusk and she could sense something was wrong. All of the sudden, the medicine cat ran out of her den. "Ashflower!" Blizzardfoot went to run after her but decided to investigate. She softly padded to the medicine den and looked inside. There lay a cream colored tom that was foaming at the mouth and having spasms. "Frogwhisker? What's wrong?" He didn't answer and fell still. "FROGWHISKER!!" Blizzardfoot ran up to him and shook his body. She began to walk away but he moved. Looking back, Frogwhisker had gotten up off the ground and was growling. "...Frogwhisker?" He let out a loud screech and flung himself at her, blood running down his chin.
Blizzardfoot sat up hurriedly in her nest breathing heavily. "Thank AirClan that was just a dream.."
She sat up in her nest, seeing faint dawn light filtering through the warriors den. Blizzardfoot sighed and began to wash.
Afterwards she heard the deputy, Oddeye, call her name. "Blizzardfoot! Come here, I need you to lead a hunting patrol in the woods near the meadow."
She nodded, "Who should I take with me?"
Oddeye tilted her head, pondering. "Take Deadpaw and whoever you want"
Blizzardfoot nodded once "Okay."
She hurried over to the apprentices den, "Deadpaw! I need you for a hunting patrol."
He lifted his head. "Be there in a minute"
"You'd better be ready"
With that, she trotted over to the warriors den. "Deerpelt, Scarface, Tawnybrair, you guys up for a hunting patrol?"
Deerpelt jumped up, "Yeah!"
Scarface just nodded.
Tawnybriar looked up from washing her dark tail, "I don't see why not."
"Alright, meet me by the fresh-kill pile okay? Okay." Blizzardfoot backed out of the den and bounded to the fresh-kill pile. As she chose a vole for herself, her gaze wandered around the camp. Deadpaw was emerging from his den, eyes slitting in the sudden light. Moonstar was chatting with Ashflower. Blizzardfoot's friend, Darkstone, was leading the dawn patrol with his tail in the air. While she was daydreaming, Blizzardfoot was poked with a black paw. "Blizzardfoot? That hunting patrol?" She looked up to see Tawnybriar looking down at her
"Oh! Geez, I'm sorry!" Blizzardfoot jumped up and gathered her patrol.
"So Blizzardfoot, We're are we going?" Deerpelt asked.
"To the woods." She answered. "That's a lot of our territory," Scarface deadpanned. Blizzardfoot rolled her eyes, "near the meadow! Come on" and with that, she trotted out of the fortified camp entrance and made her way down the slope.

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