Chapter 5

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Stella's POV

I woke up to the sound of knocking at the door. I looked over at Jason to see him still sleeping, I slipped out if his arms and pulled his big T-shirt over my head.

I opened the door to see that it was only James.

"Sorry if I woke you up, but can you tell Jason that the meeting is starting in a few minutes" he said mor than he asked.

"Wait, what meeting?!" I asked

"You don't know?" He asked before he continued."Well the alpha wanted to declare war against your old pack"

"Oh ok thanks" I said as he walked off and I closed the door still shocked at the news.

I turned around and watched Jason as he starts to finally wake up "who was that?" he asked

"It was James, he wanted me to tell about the meeting in a few minutes" I said while glaring at him.

"Wait, why are you glaring at me, what did I do?" he asked

"You declared war against my old pack, don't you know that there are innocent people in that pack that had nothing to do with me" I yelled at him, getting really upset with him.

"What are you talking about innocent?! they were there, they could've done something to stop it. Don't pretend not to see the scars on you body, and let me say that it dose not look good" he yelled back pulling on one of his basketball shorts.

"Oh so now my body doesn't look good, that's not what you said last night. Maybe you shouldn't have even touched it if that's really what you thought" I yelled back walking over to the bed holding a pillow in my hand.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't have" he yelled

By now I was about to cry, when he saw the tears slip from my eyes, he was about to say something before I started hitting him with the pillow.

"Get out, get out" I cried more as I hit him harder.

He got up off the bed and made his way to the door, he was about to leave, but when half his body was outside he looked at me to say something.

Right when he opened his mouth to speak, I reached for the tv remote and throw it at his head. Unfortunately, he closed the door before it could've hit him. I curled up in a ball on the bed and cried myself back to sleep.


Jason's POV

I saw the remote coming and quickly stepped out and closed the door. All the pack were in the hall staring at me, I growled at them and they quickly turned away.

I saw James walking towards me with a frown "your mate too, huh?" he asked

"Yeah, we got into an argument" I said "guess, she didn't like the idea of attacking her old pack"

"Kim didn't like it either, something about innocent people" he said sadly.

I knew that Kim being mad at him was really affecting him...... just like its affecting me.

"I don't think we should go through with this, I mean come on, if they're gonna be this mad at the idea of attacking them, think about how mad they would be if we did attack them. And I might've said some things I didn't mean" I said

"I did too, I was mad and asked her 'if your parents are so innocent then why didn't they help you' and that's when she kicked me out of our room" he said still sad about it.

"I can't believe this, before them no one could even think about kicking me out of my own room, but then again I'm still happy we found our mates" I said lighten the mood

"I guess we have to share the living room couch"

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