Chapter 12

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Stella's POV

I woke up with a heart retching headache, I soon realized that I was in the pack hospital room... well one of them.

I felt the tears coming to my eyes as I began to remember what happened.

I looked to my right to see Jake sleeping while holding my hand as if I might disappear.

Assuming that my sobs woke him up I looked at him.

"Are they ok?" I asked

He looked as if he was about to cry, I saw a look of sadness in his eyes as he shook his head. My cries were hear through the pack link making it known to all the pack members that their Luna has failed them and most of all failed her unborn end children.

The pack doctor came in and told us that I could leave when I'm ready.


When I got home it was as if nothing else mattered nothing but the fact that I failed, I'm a a failure, I'm a disgrace, a disappointment, a worthless person, a careless person... I am broken.

I went straight for the nursery that I put most of my time in building for my babies.

I look at the baby rattles on by the pillow in the cribs I cried my heart out, it just reminded me of what I've done.

"Stella, don't blame yourself for any of this. We can always have another baby, matter of a fact we can have tons of babies if that's what you want, but please don't make me lose my mate too. I need you right now, I need for you to be that girl, no that woman I fell in love with" he said in a pleasing voice.

"Why, Jake, why? so I can mess up again" I snapped back.

"No Stella, the pack has been at its best since you came along and I've been at my best too. Stella please, I need you, we need you" he said.

"We?" I questioned as I turned back around to look at him and then I saw it.

The whole pack was lined up at the door looking at me with warm smiles that made me feel whole again.

A little boy pushed his way through the crowd and came up to me " Luna, if you don't mind we did something for you" he said.

The adults looked around confused as if they had no idea if this.

I followed the boy, he led me to the big back yard where some other kids were waiting. they moved aside showing me what they did.

It was beautiful. It was three big rocks lined up next to each other with a small garden surrounding it.

"We did this as a memory of your sons, we hoped you'd like it" he boy said shyly.

I looked at the boy, got down on my knees and started to cry. It wasn't tears of sorrow it was tears of happiness. It warmed my heart that they did this for me.

"What wrong? Don't you like it?" he asked.

I pulled him as well as the other kids in a tight hug, they smiled at me and I smiled back.

Jake and the other came out to see, I smiled at him at I saw a flash of relief in his eyes.

From that moment on I knew everything is going to be alright.

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