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You glide over the city looking for your next "client" as you called them. Birds nesting, nope, dogs chasing, nope, a couple arguing, no.. YES! Perfect, you land effortlessly on a street light and pull out your bow along with two arrows, aiming at the couple you ready yourself, but as you realise your bows a quick blur shoves them away. "What the..." you stand your ground ready to fight whatever creature interfered with your mission, when suddenly a familiar face smiles up at you from below in an alleyway. "Bunny? What are you doing here?" You fly down to greet the rabbit, "We need you down at the North Pole." You raise an eyebrow and look at him suspiciously, "Why do you need me down there, I'm not a..." But before your able to finish your sentence, a sack is thrust over your head and your carried into a portal.

The next few minutes were a struggle as the sack wasn't the most comfortable place. But as quickly as you were in the sack, you were back out in the bright light. Although rather than being in the midnight streets of the city, you were in Norths workshop.

"Well look at what we have here" You look up to see North bending down staring at you. "Agh!" You look to your left and see tooth coming at you, "ooh let me see your teeth," and the to your right sandy is coming at you with pictures flying all round his head. You scuttle backwards until you bump into something cold, you look up to see Jack with his arms crossed staring down at you. Smirking.

What's new!

You quickly rise to your feet and stretch your wings out "well it was nice to see you all but I should be leaving" you turn to fly out the window but are greeted by a large figure, "And where do you think you are going?" North crosses his arms and walks closer to you, "well I have no reason to be here so I should be getting back, ya know, I've got some fairy stuff to take care of." You try again to fly out the window but fail when you crash into Bunny, as you trip you're caught by Jack who stares at you with his big blue eyes. "Long time no see, huh Cupid, I know you've missed me." You roll your eyes "Sure Jack, just so you can sleep at night, sure."

If someone could win a prize for most annoying, Jack would win. In all the hundreds of years you knew him he was always the same. Childish, stupid, carefree and well... just annoying. I mean, it wasn't like you were the most well behaved person or anything but Jack was a whole different board game.

You push yourself away from Jack and turn to North, "so, what's the deal, why am I here?" North towers over you, slightly intimidated you step back. "You, my annoying little fairy friend are..." he turns to his Yetis, "drumroll please" they bang their huge hands against their chests, "a guardian."

You look at North and burst out into a fit of laughter. Was this a joke, no way in hell were you going to be a guardian, ever. You keep laughing until you see the serious look on Norths face. "Wait, you can't be serious can you." He crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "I'm sorry offence Jack..." you turn to him and raise a hand in a sarcastic apology, he nods at you, you continue, "but what makes you think I want to be a guardian."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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