Warm Feelings

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The game finished and we all counted our monopoly money. Tyler lost and I won.

Tyler yawns

"You getting tired of loosing all the time Tyler?" I asked while everyone except him laughed.

Tyler jumped up and pushed me to the ground. He sat on me so I wouldn't move and started tickling me.

"Oh my gosh.... STOP.... I can't.... I can't breath!" I yelled while laughing 

"just like the other night then" He winked 

"You wish" I replied as he kept on tickling me.

"I'm off to bed.... night" Cam said while standing up and heading upstairs.

We all looked at each other confused. Somethings wrong. He normally goes to bed the same time as us and gives me a hug before going to bed.

Once Tyler stopped tickling me 10 minutes later, I stood up.

"I'm going to see if Cam is okay... do you guys know whats wrong?" I asked everyone

"Nope" Dan and Tyler said at the time and Chris shrugged his shoulders.

"Right, I'm going up, I'll be back" 

I'm sure it's just the alcohol making him tired. I just want to know if he is okay. He knows he can tell me anything. Why didn't he tell me about his plans tomorrow?. What's so secret about this?. He normally tells me everything.

I walk to his door and knock, but there is no reply.

"Cameron? You in there?" I question

Still no reply.

I slowly walk in to find him fast asleep.

I walk up to his bed and put his covers that were at the bottom of the bed on top of him. He looked so cute.

I gave him a gentle peck on his head, like a mother would when tucking her child in.

I slowly crept out the room and closed the door.

I went back downstairs to tell the boys that he was asleep and to carry on with the night.


Cam's POV


I shouldn't have tried to kiss Paige but she has the most beautiful eyes and I think I love her. No I don't. We are like brother and sister. Clearly she doesn't see me in that way. She is flirting with Tyler. I can't take it. I have to leave. 

"I'm off to bed.... night" I said while walking upstairs.

I lay on my bed and just thought about tonight.

I hear footsteps. I have to pretend to be asleep.

I heard my name being called... it was Paige.

She came into my room and i tried not to move but i felt my covers being pulled over me and then I felt a warm spark on my head. It felt like warm hugs all over my body. 

She crept out my room and I didn't move till I heard footsteps going down the stairs.

I still felt very warm all over my body.

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