Chapter 23- please stop running and just love me

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Jessica's POV:

*1 day after argument*

I wake up to the bright glare coming through the window. I look over to see the other bed was empty, okay. I walk out to the balcony to take in the view, and the view takes my breath away.

Just like Hayes.

Shut up voice in my head.

It's called a conscience, and you love him too.

No I don't he's been a jerk to me.

But you still love him.

Okay maybe...

See! Told you!

I don't know why I just can't stay away from him...

You do love him!

No I do not. Yes I do... Why is this so confusing?!

I decided to go back inside and I sat on my bed. I began to wonder, Where is Hayes actually? I put a sports bra on and I put on a tumblr transparent shirt I made myself, it was a really cool black and white flower drawing, with some light washed shorts. I threw my hair into a side braid and put my white converse on and walked out the door. I walked to Nash's room and knocked on the door. He immediately opened it within the second knock. He looks worried, really worried.

"Have you seen Hayes?"


"Come in. And sit down, you might need to."

I sat down on the couch he had. He started pacing back and fourth in front of me.

"What's going on?"

"Hayes is gone. He left me this note though. Why is he acting like this?!" He hands me a yellow sticky note.

"What?! Is he crazy?! We are in a different country and he decides to go on an adventure?! What is this Dora the explorer?!" (a/n oh and Hayes still has the haircut he used to have, it belongs in the story☺️)

It reads:

Nash, I'm leaving, probably gone by now. I love Jessica to much, and I can't continue to hurt her. I have to leave for her own sake, and if I don't I will be to tempted to go over to her and talk to her. I'm sorry I'm doing this, but it's for the best. And don't bother looking for me, I'm not worth the time.


"It's my fault Nash. It's my fault Hayes left."

"No it's not." Nash says looking at me. "He's just going through a hard time right now."

"You don't understand," I begin. "Let's just go look for him okay?"

"One step ahead of ya." He says while pointing at his feet, he's already wearing his shoes.

We step out of the lobby and get into our rental car.

"Where do you think he went?" I ask.

"You've been here before right?" He asks while turning his head to me. I nod.

"Give me directions to the nearest hotel with a beach right next to it."

"That would be the royal towers." (A/n that's an hotel in Atlantis go look it up to see what the setting is going to be for their vacation😋)

"Let's go find him." He states.


We start walking around the beach behind the royal towers.

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