VI part I

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Alana's P.o.v

"Please D, calm down. She's coming, it's just me, it's Lanzo, please you're scaring me."

I didn't understand what was going on, as soon as Alex had left, Danielle had woken up calling her name. I told her that she was gone and she had gone crazy, crying and shaking and saying random things that didn't make sense.

"D it's me," I said putting my hand on her shoulder. Immediately she flinched and pushed my hand away. "Danielle what's wrong, talk to me."

I tried getting near her but she kept pushing me away. Danielle was now on the floor with her head in between her knees, crying. I didn't know what to do I was on my knees next to her but not getting too close.

"What's wrong please Danielle!"

I got no answer from her but at that moment Alex came in thru the door. She didn't pay me any attention she went straight to Danielle.

"Hey babe listen to me, you're ok, no one is gonna hurt you." Alex continues talking to her and it's working, Danielle stops crying and all you can hear in the room are her sobs which are slowly fading away.

I go to the front door to lock it because as I had expected it was still unlocked. When I get back into the room I notice Danielle is asleep hugging Alex pretty close.

"What is going on, what happened tonight." I ask while laying on my bed.

I can see the hesitation in Alex's face. She takes a breath before telling me everything that went down that night. I am downright angry by the time she is done telling me about Josh.

"Did he hurt her? I swear ima kill him." I try and keep myself calm and begin pacing back and forth in my room.

"No don't worry got there before he could do anything and quite frankly I don't think he's going near Danielle any time soon."

"Why do you say that?" She tells me about how she kneed him in the balls and then broke his nose with a perfect kick.

"Hell yea good job Alex, he's lucky he got you, pretty positive Este would have killed him."

"Trust me I wanted too, well D is asleep I better get going."

"Oh no you don't, what if she wakes up again! Just stay the night she's lucky she didn't wake up my parents."

I get Alex to agree and she looks thru Danielle's clothes to find something to wear. She ends up finding an oversized tshirt of Danielle's and see's my soccer sweatpants and grabs them off the floor.

"Alex, those are dirty you pig."

She sniffs my sweatpants and just shrugs.

"Ehh I've smelt worse a little fabreeze and we are set."

I couldn't help but laugh. Once Alex leaves to change, I lay back in my bed and can't help but think what could have happened to Danielle if Alex hadn't been there. Honestly makes me shudder just thinking about it.

*will post rest of chapter later on tonight, thanks everyone for reading. Please vote/comment :) thanks*

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