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Alex's P.O.V

3 Months Later

I had just gotten home from visiting UNC with my family including my two sisters. I had already visited UCLA as well and while both schools offered me full ride scholarships, I was better off choosing UNC, they were ranked number 1 in the country and a lot of players from that school have gone on to play Professionally for the National team.

I was sitting in my room thinking about the pros and cons of each school when my two older sisters come in and lay down besides me.

"I love that school Alex, are you gonna ditch the west for the east coast sis?" Emma asks me. She had recently graduated from Penn State and was currently living in the east coast with her boyfriend.

"Well i still say UCLA is the way to go. Come on wouldn't it be fun to party with me? Plus you wouldn't be leaving your ham girls behind" Evelyn says while giving me a little wink.

"Ham girls?" Emma asks confused since she had never met the sisters.

"She means the Haim sisters." I say while rolling my eyes, "They're a couple of friends."

"Speaking of..." Evelyn says before i feel a body slam on top of me and i fall back into my bed laughing.

"Hahaha Lanzo, I missed you." I say. She gets off me and I get up and give her a huge hug. I really had missed this girl for the last week.

I look up to see if maybe another Haim had accompanied her and sure enough, leaning on the doorway, looking sexy as fuck with a small smirk in her face, was the love of my life. I walk towards her slowly and when we are finally face to face, all she says is a almost whispered, "Hey," while opening her arms for me, I instantly go into her arms.

"I missed you so much babe," I whisper so only she can hear.

"So did I," She says back softly. I slowly separate from her but we are still staring at each other when my sister Ev comes and takes Danielle away from me.

"Danielle, Alana this is Emma, Emma these are the Haim aka Ham girls minus one." Evelyn says introducing them to each other.

"Pleasure to meet you two, Alana, Danielle. Minus one? Im guessing theirs another sister?""

"Nice to meet you too Emma, and yea my sister Este. She's away on a road trip for the summer with some friends." Alana says.

"Oh ok nice. Well I don't know about you guys but I'm starving and honestly haven't had some bomb tacos in a while. Are you all down to go, it's all on me?" Em asks us. I honestly was hungry as could be so I instantly agreed. Everyone else seemed to be on the same page so tacos it was.

We took Evelyn's car since it was the biggest and i instantly took a back window seat but i wanted to be next to Danielle so she had no choice but to take the dreaded middle seat.

"I hate you." She says to me while i lean my head on her shoulder.

"I love you too." I say while laughing.
We get to the restaurant and everything ends up well. Emma and Alana/Danielle end up getting along great, and I can't wait to get home and actually open up to my oldest sister about my lovely secret. I had wanted them to meet before I had opened up about Danielle. We are going back home from the restaurant and everyone is still in a great mood. Alana mostly keeps asking Emma about life in the east coast and how she likes it compared to LA.

"Honestly tho even tho they both have their pros and cons, the one thing that I have not missed at all about LA is this mother effing traffic." Emma says frustrated and I can't help but laugh.

The whole ride home I get a little bored and decide to make Danielle a little nervous by messing with her. First I casually put my hand on her knee, which she thinks nothing of. I slowly start creeping my hand up her leg and can feel her tense up more and more as i go higher. I get to her upper thigh till she finally swats my hand away and I can't help but laugh out loud. I wait five minutes and then start whispering dirty things into her ear. She let's me go on for a couple of minutes but then grabs me and whispers back, "Stop or I'm going to forget your sisters and my sister is here and make you mine." And I actually do stop just because all she had to do was say that to slightly turn me on. I can tell Danielle knows that as well because she smirks at me.

We get back home and Alana says she is tired so her and Danielle head home. I receive a text five minutes later from Danielle saying she's going to drop off Alana and if i wanted to go out with her. Even tho I am tired as could be, I instantly reply with a yea.

As I am waiting for her, my oldest sister comes up in the front yard where I am sitting next to a tree for Danielle because I know if i go inside and sit down, I won't be able to get back up.

"Why are you out here sis?" Emma asks me.

"I'm waiting for a friend, I'ma go out for a bit."

"You really should be resting, you look tired as can be."

"I will, later."

"So you and the Haim sisters."

"What about them?" I ask.

"You and Alana are really good friends aren't you?" She asks.

"They're my best friends Em." I answer back.

"Yea I have no doubt about that. Ok no beating around the bush, I just have one question."


"You're in love aren't you?"

I dont answer, I just stare at her.

"You and Danielle, your both in love, with each other. I noticed something was up right away but as the night went on I just observed and confirmed what I thought. I asked Ev so she could 100% confirm and she got nervous and told me to ask you so yea she pretty much confirmed it haha. For the record I like her, i approve. You girls make a killer couple, but just saying if it was me i would wanna make it open and official. She's hot sis, you wouldn't want some guy or girl thinking she's open and snatching her up." She would have continued going if Danielle hadn't pulled up, I was still in shock kinda, that Em had guessed everything without me telling her anything about Danielle.

"Well there she is, have fun Alex. Keep it PG." Em says while laughing and going inside. I go in the passenger seat and don't say a word.

"Hey something up?" Danielle asks while giving me a kiss.

"No nothing bad. Well Emma, she kinda guessed that we were together and I never even told her anything. Honestly i don't wanna pressure you, but i feel bad hiding this from Alana. Ev, Em and Este all know why not Alana? We have too, she's my best friend and your sister."

"Your right, and I am planning on telling her, I'm actually waiting on Este to get back home, which is tomorrow. We already agreed on telling her together." Danielle tells me. I feel this relief and pride come over me and don't hold back on kissing my love.

Happy holidays Everyone

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