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Meliodas growled at the bottom of the drink, wanting another, but not finding the strength to place his order. Yes, he knew what was going on around him, and no, he wasn't 'drunk', but he couldn't count what drink number he was up to at this point of the night. All he could think about was Elizabeth, but he called her Liz. Her daring pink hair that her mother begged her not to get, her cerulean blue eyes, her stubborn attitude and sassy yet playful personality. 

Meliodas sighed, he was doing it again. He was missing her. Reaching his hands up into his hair he gave it a sharp tug. He wanted nothing more than a bit of silence from the thumping music around him. The sweating, dancing bodies around him, girls grinding on men that they had only just met as that happened to be the way now, the only way to dance upon the floor. But, that only replayed the image inside of his mind once again. His Liz and her 'best friend who is only her best friend and nothing more' as she had constantly reminded him. How he wanted to rip the guys head off of his shoulders and shove it so far up his-

"Hey, wanna drink?" 

Meliodas broke out of his trance and looked for the source of the voice. Soft cerulean eyes, angelic voice, kind features.


"Do you... know me...?"

He looked at her again and noticed her hair, her height, her slightly higher-pitched voice. This wasn't his Liz, "Sorry, I mistook you for someone else."

"What a coincidence, Elizabeth, but people usually call me Ellie." She held her hand out.

"Meliodas." He said simply taking her hand, turned it to the side and gently places a kiss upon her fingers looking into her eyes. But she smirked, rocked her hips to her right and rested her free hand on it. "What a gentleman. You wanna accept my offer or you going to leave me waiting a little more to build 'anticipation'" 

Meliodas chuckled, she had spunk he'd give her that, so he gently pulled her closer to him and whispered into her ear, "There'd be plenty of time for that, don't you worry." 

"Wouldn't want it any other way" she whispered back.

The blonde pulled away and smirked inwardly. The waiter came over to ask them their orders, Elizabeth responded by holding raising her hand to the bartender the number two, returning with two alcoholic shots.  

"So you wanna tell me who 'Liz' is or do I have to ask?" she questioned taking a seat beside Meliodas putting an elbow up on the bar and resting her head on it.

"Up until forty minutes ago, she was my girlfriend."

"God, I'm sorry, I didn't realize, I can go." Elizabeth stood up to walk away

Meliodas shook his head telling her it wasn't her fault, "Hey, you came here with drinks at least let me make it worth your while." he spoke softly taking his drink from the countertop and pouring the substance into his mouth.

He lightly took her hand, gently lead her to the dance floor of hot and sweaty adults too lost in the bottom of their bottles to even think about what they could look like to outsiders. 

Elizabeth giggled at Meliodas' attempt to move in time to the song, if not for their conversation beforehand she would have assumed he was another drunk looking for a good night out, but she couldn't have been any more wrong. She pulled him close wrapping his arms around her waist as she let her hands fall loosely around his neck. She had never been so bold with a man before. Not that Meliodas knew, she could be whoever she wanted to be, and for tonight, she wanted to be outgoing, bold, new. She was going to be who she wanted to be for once, not the shy, clumsy and naive everyone thought she was.

But when he looked at her, when he read her eyes and when he read her soul, she knew, she had nothing to prove, but loving this man, taking him as he is and showing him the beauty of her world she knew that, that is what she could work towards. 

"Hey, I think that this is nothing a rebound can't fix." 

He scrunched his nose, he wasn't sure if he just wanted a booty call, he knew he wasn't ready for a relationship, it had only been something like an hour by now, but that doesn't mean he could never love again, and if it be with this silver-haired beauty, who is literally in his arms "Does that come with your number? Or do I have to be a friend first?"

She leaned in and brushed her lips against his ear, whispering as though everyone could hear, despite the noise of the drowning music, "Tonight, you can have anything you want." she kissed his cheek and pulled him away from everyone else, for tonight he was hers, just as much as she was his. And for the first time, in a long time he smiled, he smiled, he was happy and for now, he would enjoy every moment with this woman.


So this one has been sat in my drafts for the better part of a year I'd say, and I've just finished it and here it is.

I also just want to say a massive thank you to everyone. All of you who have been here since the beginning and those of you who have only just found my little space of the internet. I have almost reached 26k reads on this. And when I read this I see it as I have made a moment of a memory or emotion in 26 thousand of you. Not only that but I have reached #5 out of 262 stories. When I read that I actually have to say that I teared up. 

Because of all of you I have made it this far, I have meant something to you and that means something to me. I love making people smile, and these stories have allowed me the opportunity to meet, speak and laugh with so many people through this app, and that means so much to me. 

You guys have helped me through so much, and these stories have allowed me to express myself and escape, blissfully peace. 

You all have been amazing. I remember when this story had 10 reads and I was so excited that 10 people had decided to take time out of their busy days to read what I had created, and boy have I grown as a writer since then...? XD 

I'm rambling now, sorry, but I guess I just want to thank you all so much from bottom of my heart, whether it's 5, 50, 1000, or 26k you all mean the world to me, so thank you all so so much.

Much love,

me ^~^ x

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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