Too many spares

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It was a very exciting day for the boys.

Edd: "HEY GUYS!"

The other three looked at Edd who was smiling widely.

Edd: "That new movie came out and I got tickets for all of us!"

Tom/Tord/Matt: "YAY!!!"

Micah: "Sorry guys, I got to grocery shopping."

Tom/Tord/Matt: "BOO!"

They said looking at me with unpleased faces and crossed arms.

Edd: "You know Micah, you don't have to buy us groceries."

He said as I made a list and grabbed my purse, walking to the door.

Micah: "Well I always hang out over here. So I might as well be living with you guys and I want to make sure you guys have enough to eat. Besides you guys don't go grocery shopping unless you're out bacon or coke."

Edd and Tord chuckled sheepishly, as I walked out.

Micah: "Oh and guys I just got this whole house clean today. So could you please not trash it back up too much please. I worked really hard."

Edd/Tom/Tord/Matt: "Yeah."

They said in monitone voices as I thanked them and waved Goodbye, shutting the door behind me.

Edd: "Well I guys it's just us then."

Tom: "QUICK! Let's get there before they sell out!"

Tord/Matt: "YEAH!"


Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord where at the Theater watching the movie and where really enjoying it. When the movie ends and they leave the movie theaters commenting on how good it was.


The Evil Director Christopher Bingbong is frustrated that his movie was a commercial failure, getting only four viewers! His assistant Larry suggests that Chris can just make a better one. But, then Chris develops a plan to make 4 million clones of Edd, Matt, Tord, and Tom by using their DNA left on their seats to have at least 444 more viewers. He started making the clones and fills up a theatre with all of them and runs his movie. During the movie, the main character says a dirty joke, making everyone laugh except for one Tom clone, who gets sent to a room of rejected clones.

2 Hours Later

Chris notices the clones leave the theatre when the movie is over and blames Larry for not thinking it through. After an army of Edd clones pass by Dom, who says "Hi Edd!" to all of them one Edd clone asks the other clones where they should go now. The crowd shouts "ARCADE!" Except a solitary Tom clone who shots "SHOE SHOPPING!" and gets thrown into a dumpster. The clones go to the arcade and make absolute chaos! They eventually gathered a huge pile of tickets, only to receive a small shark keychain as a prize. In rebellion, they set the arcade on fire. The clones decide to go home, while the Tom clone suggests "Kitten shopping!" But, he gets tossed into another dumpster. Chris and Larry go look for the clones. They ask a random stranger if he has seen a large group of identical looking people. They point to a nearby twin convention. Chris complains that he won't be able to find the clones while Larry finds a trail of Edd's cola cans. Chris initially denies this, but he then decides to follow Larry down the trail. The real gang is watching TV when the doorbell rings. Matt walks over and opens the door, when a wave of clones to burst into the living room, Edd and Matt where shocked! But, Tom enjoyed this in excitement. Later Edd goes to get Cola from the refrigerator and asks if anyone else wants a drink. The clones reach for the Cola and one of the Edd clones took the Cola can out of Edd's hand. Edd then gets extremely angry and kills the clone with a shotgun. The other clones saw and glared at Edd  attack him until Tom, Matt, and Tord charge in to help him and a massive massacre happens.


Chris sees that the trail of cans ends by a sewage drain. He thinks that all the clones must have went down there and spread throughout the sewers to make a underground civilization. And that they would get superpowers from the raw sewage and use those powers to enslave mankind within a thousand years time! But,  he gets interrupted by a Edd clone flying out of the gang's house. As the gang finishes off the rest of the clones, Chris and Larry step into the house. Chris says that he came to dispose of the clones. But, notices the massive pile of dead clones. Just then, Matt and a Matt clone that has managed to survive the massacre walked in.

Tom: "Oh I know what to do!"

The gang looked at each other and threw him out in the trash can outside. And replaced him with a Matt clone wearing Tom's hoodie. Everyone starts laughing, except for Larry, who snaps!


He shouts making everyone frown, untill another voice was heard.


I yelled dropping some groceries, looking around the destroyed house with my mouth dropped open.

Edd/Tom/Tord/ Matt: "We're Dead!"

They said in unison, with all of them having a Oh shit face on.



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